Kindergarten MC RFA+V+Saeran

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Anonymous said:

*peeks* Hi there (/ω\) i want to tell you that in the masterlist, the depressed hc's link doesn't match with the content after u clicked it. And i want to ask you if u can do a HC where MC is a Kindergarten teacher and the kids love them very much. So one day RFA+V+Saeran visit MC in their class, the kids will start pranking them and being overprotective over MC. Thankiess~

Gah! Sorry, it should be fixed now! But the masterlist will go inactive soon so I can make appropriate adjustments due to new posts. Also I love this prompt! I really liked my kindergarten year and I had to read to kindergarten students

Yoosung -

Yoosung loved that you taught kindergarteners. Though sometimes you would come home not so clean, and sometimes students' parents would scold you for stuff that probably wasn't your fault. He knew you loved being helpful and making a difference, and he could tell by that bright smile on your face every day. So what was the trouble in paying a visit to the class you taught? He loved kids for pete's sake and they would love him too right?

His visit was a slight surprise but he wanted to bring you your lunch, since in your rush to get to work, you had left it on the kitchen counter. He had his little visitor tag on his shirt and looked presentable. He was even in his uniform for his Veterinarian job since he would go there after he would leave the school. He wasn't supposed to go in today, but he wanted to get some overtime in.

He smiled and gently knocked on your class door and walked in when he heard your soft voice tell him too. He opened the door, and he could have sworn, that ALL the children looked over to him. This wasn't nerve wracking at all. He gave you a hug and kissed your cheek, handing you your lunch. He stayed for awhile, and some of the student would stick their tongues out at him. (He would probably do it back) The children picking on him didn't bother him THAT much, since he was a veterinarian, he has dealt with lowkey bratty kids in his office. One day he got permission to bring in a pet. Kids didn't pick on him anymore. (They refer to him as vet man)

Jaehee -

Now she herself, she's a very patient woman. It takes a lot to deter her, but if there's one thing she can't stand, it's loud and noisy kids. Most times, she can ignore them, but she wouldn't have the patience to work with them the way you do. After all, kids can get pretty intense. When you first told her that you were a Kindergarten teacher, she developed a newfound respect for you.

Despite some of her initial reservations, she decided that it wouldn't hurt to spend a day with you at school, so she asked you if it was alright if she tagged along. She wasn't prepared for the kid's reactions though. Upon her stepping into the classroom, they all stared at her. Once you introduced her to them, they only began to act even more suspicious.

They began following her around and kept pestering her with questions, some of which she found slightly inappropriate for five year olds. It took you constantly reminding them to sit back down for them to finally calm, but even then she swore that they were giving her dirty looks. She pretended as though she didn't see it, and would keep reminding herself that these were children, they didn't necessarily know what they were doing. However, it did bug her slightly. She decided to see if she could make them like her, and what better way to do that then to bake some sweets for them? Needless to say, they all adore her now and love it when she visits.

Zen -

When you first told him that you worked with Kindergarteners he would have found it adorable. The love of his life, surrounded by adorable children?? The man was ready to faint. He knew that they were probably hyper all the time and was honestly slightly confused as to how you managed to keep up with them. He may work out a lot, but the idea of taming wild children is honestly beyond him.

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