Jealous Jumin

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Anonymous said:

How would Jumin react if Elizabeth 3rd was giving her attention to MC instead of him? Like would he get jealous of MC or Elizabeth?

Yes! Here you go Anon!


Jumin had had a long day at work, tons of meetings, tons of workers messing up things that were important. Overall it was just a shitty day for the corporate heir. So when he got home around midnight he expect MC to be up waiting for him like usual, but was disappointed to find out he was wrong. Instead he found her in their bedroom, she was awake though, but Elizabeth was sprawled out clear across MC's chest. Sleeping soundly.

"O-Oh hi Jumin, I would have greeted you at the door but..." She looked down at the sleeping feline before looking at Jumin. "I'm trapped" she stated before giggling a bit.

He nodded in understanding before walking over to the bed, sitting on his side of the bed, kicking his shoes off before slipping his jacket and vet off, tossing them on the floor. He was way too tired to change into proper pajamas and just wanted to snuggle with his wife and cat.

But when he laid down and then went to cuddle his wife. Elizabeth magically woke up and just started growling at Jumin. Like a territorial growl,, he immediately sat up and stared at the almost pure white cat. Was this the correct cat? Was this Elizabeth?

He went to pet her and she didn't growl, until he went to touch MC. She hissed and pawed at his hand.

He was getting a bit agitated. He couldn't touch his own wife without the cat getting jealous? Shouldn't it be the other way around? He wasn't jealous, but he was really confused as to why Elizabeth was growling at him because this was so OOC of her.

He looked to MC for clarification and could see her blush a bit. "I might know why elizabeth is being protective..." She said timidly. He raised an eyebrow as a silent way to ask her to answer. "Well Jumin... you're going to be a father" His eyes widened.

"MC..." He said in a warning tone. They better not be joking.

"Jumin i'm not joking. I'm pregnant" He almost screamed and hugged MC, despite Elizabeth's clear protests.

He was almost in tears and went to kiss your stomach.

Elizabeth was given training for dealing with children and adults for when they would go to touch MC, and Jumin had a claw mark on his cheek from Elizabeth.

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