Yoosung x MC "Gore"

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Requests are open lol

Anonymous said:

Could you do a drabble where MC wants to watch a scary/gore movie with Yoosung to see him flip out. But turns out Yoosung's fine bc he's a med student and MC is grossed out

Legit had to go through my movies to find a gory movie... We have a lot of those tbh??


Okay. Not the brightest idea to try and watch Saw. You knew Yoosung was the skittish type, he had always been ever since you met him. So you specifically chose this movie to gross him out.

But you forgot one tiny very important detail.

Yoosung was a medical student. So he saw things like this on a daily basis! Well not exactly these things, but he did see gory things in class like heart surgeries and such.

So it was on this one scene where there was a girl strapped to a chair, or a bed type thing. And slowly a saw was coming down towards her stomach. You looked towards Yoosung nervously, seeing him completely normal. You internally whimpered as you looked back towards the television screen.

At the absolutely worst moment ever.

Just as the blade pierced the womans' skin. Her scream filling the living room as you let out a small screech.

Immediately, jumping and hiding your face in Yoosungs shirt. You felt eyes looking down at you and you hear the television shut off in the background. You whimper slightly.

You feel gentle hands rub your back and you're adjusted so you sitting on his lap. Now facing him as you straddled his waist. "MC, calm down, the movie isn't real." He said in a soothing tone.

You huffed and slowly calmed down. Looking up at him. "How are you not scared?" You asked him softly, he simply chuckled.

"I'm a medical student remember? I don't get grossed out or scared easily" He smirked a bit as you pouted.

"No fair Yoosung!" You whined and playfully hit his chest. He chuckled once more, giving a small kiss onto your cheek.

"I think its perfectly fair (Y/N), but there are many other things I know due to med school" He said softly, carefully picking you up so your legs were still around his waist. "Many more things."

And off to the bedroom, you two went.


So this ended a bit smutty I guess???

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