Digital Artist MC RFA

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Anonymous said:

Hi! If it's not too much can you do the RFA+V and Saeran with MC as a digital artist who has been practicing for years to make a career out of it but not thinking they are good enough and one night they would stay up really late drawing and breaking down? (Also MC getting a job as a digital artist a year after that ^^). Thanks a lot!💖💖



He would always ask you if he could look at your most recent art work you have been working on, even if the project was a Work In Progress. He would always compliment you on it but was confused as to why you would shake your head no. He woke up one day to find that you were not in bed, before he heard small choked out sobs in the next room where your office was. He looked at the clock it was 2 am. Why was MC up this late in the night? Carefully he stood up and walked over to your office to see you in your chair crying. He walked over to you and immediately hugged you. When he heard you voicing your worries his gaze softened. A couple days later he had a Digital Artist come into his vet office and he asked for their card. A year later MC was all bright and bubbly since she now had a small website that was growing with all her art. She even had a job as a Digital Artist that came with a brand new drawing tablet.


You both run a coffee shop together, so when you both have troubles making the flyers and logos and such, Jaehee entrusts you to make them. No pressure you know, she didn't want them to be too professional but also not too lousy. But she wasn't expecting this? Like when she asked who made these and you said that you did, she nearly died because her MC was a digital artist. But was confused as to why you got so nervous when the final draft was released to your customers. When you had a project for college she found you in the bedroom crying and she was so confused as to why you were. She comforted you carefully and got you to get some rest after a while. Needless to say, shortly after you got a call from a place you had applied to awhile ago. They requested some help from you and around a year later, you had a part time job helping other make Digital Art. (You make online courses for people)


You were Hyun's manager for quite awhile now, and he and the others, trusted you to make the base of the flyers for the musicals he did. You didn't do the actual making of the flyer but you made the layout for it. The other team put in the photos and text. Hyun really wanted you to broaden your horizons in this field. He really did but you kept turning him down, saying that this really was enough for you. You really liked the job you were doing for him, and you didn't want to stop being his manager in the slightest. When he noticed you getting worked up over a layout you had to do on such a short time period. He quickly dragged you from the computer so you wouldn't end up in tears, which he could clearly see were about to fall. Well lets just say he asked for a favor from the others, and you became the one who made the flyers OFFICIALLY! Like you could do photo placement, layout design, text design. Everything. You both got paid for this, him for his musicals, you for your work as a Digital Artist.


Okay so as soon as this boy found out that you liked to do digital art. Suddenly you have those Two Thousand dollar Wacom Intuos tablets. The best pen they have, he even got you Paint Tool Sai, even though Wacom Tablets come with their own software to use. He really likes when you do little arts of Elizabeth 3rd or when you do Chibi Versions of the RFA members. He finds it cute and even asked if you wanted to start selling your art like V does with his photographs. He was confused when you declined, because he was all set for getting you a bunch of sponsors to make this thing legit. So he waited a bit before he noticed you crying, you had gotten so stressed out about a project, that you cried. He placed Elizabeth in you lap and comforted you the best he could. Needless to say, he convinced you to make you work into an actual job. So you had Jumin Han C&R Heir and then his wife/husband MC the Digital Artist. People said it was a weird pair but whatever. Whatever floats their boat.


So when he did the background check on you, he was shocked to find out that you made art digitally, but currently just for a hobby. He found like fan pages on Tumblr, and your actual website that showed your newest and oldest work. He reviewed the art for a bit and actually really liked it. He even found some fake pages that claimed to be you and deleted them. Whoops. He really was surprised when you sent him a drawing that you made of him. He kind of cried. MC is so pure? When he first found you crying he thought that it was because he had said something rude or mean to you like he had before. But was quickly proved wrong when you told him you were just very stressed out about digital art and such, your tablet had to be sent in for repairs and you didn't know what caused it to bug out. He attempted to calm you down and got you to go to bed. He contacted some of his top secret sources and you got a letter asking if you wanted to do some digital art for them. Saeyoung kept it a secret that he had sent them some art. If you were happy, which you were, then so was he.

(I Didn't know what to do for V and Unknown i'm so freaking sorry ;-; )  

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