Energetic Cat RFA+V+Saeran

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anonymous on tumblr asked:

RFA + V + Saeran reaction to a MC who has a very energetic cat that is a Manx/Siamese mix so the cat is loud as well and is constantly causing noise during the middle of the night? Thanks!


I can relate to this so much... Like I own 5 cats... gah...

Yoosung -

- He was okay with it at first?

- Like he would stay up with the cat when he was binge studying.

- But when suddenly the cat runs down the hall, and literally! runs into the wall, knocking some things off the shelf

- He is so shocked, because like the cat walked off like nothing happened

- Will look up to find some remedies to calm the cat down.


- He loves the cat though...

- Wait is MC still asleep?

Zen (For Zen I'm doing a dog) -

- This poor boy. He needs his beauty sleep.

- So when suddenly his little new puppy jumps onto the bed.

- Which wakes him up suddenly. He's quite surprised.

- He pushes it of like it was nothing and goes back to bed.

- But it keeps happening each and every night.

- Sometimes the dog manages to calm down.

- BUT ONLY AT YOUR COMMAND! When he does it, the dog just gets more hyper!

- He gets used to it after awhile.

Jaehee -

- Oh god. Just like Zen, she needs her sleep.

- Like its bad enough that Jumin is giving her ridiculous hours.

- Admittedly she asks for cat tips once or twice. But Jumin isn't much help because Elizabeth is relatively calm.

- Much like Yoosung she does her own research. While holding the cat on her lap to try and keep it calm.

- How did that cat hair get on the ceiling?

- Has lint rollers in every drawer of the house.

- Tries to get used to the constant cat noise. Takes awhile.

Jumin -

- At first he is a bit weary about letting the cat stay.

- Like what if the cat doesn't get along with Elizabeth 3rd?

- Though he is much more warmed up when they get along pretty well.

- Everything is calm for about maybe the first week...

- Until... Suddenly he's woken up but the cat calls from both your cats.

- In the living room, which is a bit far from the bedroom. So when he gets there and notices that they are just playing around, he is much more calm.

- Though this is now becoming a regular occurrence and you somehow stay asleep.

- He manages to get used to it.

Seven -

- Don't be surprised if this guy is the CAUSE of the cats noise.

- He wont be bothered much by the cats hyperons. Though it will get annoying sometimes.

- Like he will be calling Vanderwood when suddenly. "REEEEAWR"

- "Kitty, shhh," "Seven what the fuck was that?"

- Somehow he manages to calm the cat down from time to time.

- He will purposely give the cat catnip. Just for giggles.

- He will stay up with the cat as well.

- Cat and Seven are noise makers.

Saeran -

- At first he acts like he doesn't like the cat

- But he ends up warming up to the cat quickly.

- Is that Saeran asleep on the couch with the cat? He will deny it though.

- The cat was noisy one night. But one swift glare from Saeran, made the cat calm down.

- He was so confused why you scolded the cat when the cat brought him a 'present' dead rat

- Like "MC... (Cat Name) got that for us..."

- He gave the cat catnip one time from a tip that Saeyoung gave him...

- You had to hold back a very tired Saeran back from murdering his brother.

- Again.

V -

- Okay so V likes all animals

- So that means he love cats!

- He just doesn't really love the loud noises that it makes

- He does have to be careful when walking because one time he tripped over the cat.

- So when the cat cried, he hugged it and cried.

- He even called over Yoosung to make sure the cat was okay.

- He was still crying, though he was better.

- When he finds out the cats okay, hes all good.

- Still apologizes to the cat a lot.

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