MC Has Mental Disorder RFA+V+Saeran

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Anonymous said: Can you do a HC about the RFA+Saeran and V with a MC who had a past with a mental disorder, it can be whatever you want! I love your blog.
I'm choosing ones that I have witnessed and or had experience with in the past

Yoosung (Panic Attacks/Agoraphobia) -
- At first, he didn't notice the fact you were resilient to going out into public.
- He just thought that you didn't want to leave home due to not feeling well.
- Until he managed to get you to go to a Comic-Con with him, while cosplaying as your favorite LOLOL characters.
- But when you both were swarmed with people asking to get photos with you. He started to notice some things.
- You were breathing a bit heavily, you were pale, and you were shaking quite a bit.
- He managed to drag you away into a closed space away from people to calm you down.
- He was shocked a bit when he saw you start to cry.
- He immediately hugged you and spoke to you calmly. Telling you everything was alright
- At first he thought you had gotten threatened but when you told him you had Agoraphobia, which is the fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment. He immediately understood.
- He made you promise that if you ever felt like that again, to let him know and he will try and get you out as soon as he can.

Zen (Body dysmorphic disorder) -
- Much like Yoosung, he didn't notice what was going on due to his busy schedule. Though he knew about your insecurities.
- He always told you that you were beautiful, and so many kind words. And for awhile you believed him, and didn't pay much mind to the way your body looked.
- But one day he took you with him to work, though you had to wait in the main lobby.
- So to pass the time you scrolled through your social media, only to find a post that was saying if you didn't look a certain way, you weren't pretty.
- You bit your bottom lip and didn't pay much attention to it, so you went to one of the Zen fan pages you followed.
- Which didn't help since you noticed that most of the posts were hating on you and your body image.
- There was even a new post that was of you right now in the lobby, wearing shorts and a short sleeved (F/C) shirt. So it showed some skin, but people were body shaming you. Which made you feel bad.
- You exed out of the app and quickly left, messaging Zen to say you were going home because you weren't feeling too good. Though you were sure he wouldn't respond until later.
- Once you got home you immediately changed into a loose long sleeve loose shirt and sweat pants.
- After an hour or two Zen came back to see you in your shared room staring at a mirror, lifting your shirt and poking at your stomach.
- His eyes softened when he pieced everything together, he walked up and hugged you from behind.
- Telling you softly that he didn't care what you looked like, that he liked you for who you were and that he would rather you be healthy than unhealthy

Jaehee (Over Compulsive Disorder/OCD) -
- Jaehee noticed almost as soon as she met you on the messenger.
- The way you wrote things was in a certain order and way. Though she paid it no mind.
- But when she met you in real life, and you guys started to live together. She noticed it more.
- Something she would catch you organizing her files for her, and you would clean almost daily.
- She let you do your thing until one day she just saw you staring at a painting, holding a ruler. She watched you for a moment before she saw you nod and walk away.
- She confronted you about it one day and you apologized so much. But she reassured you it was okay.
- She helped you with certain things so it didn't become overwhelming for you, but lets just say your appartment was more organized than Jumins.
- And Elizabeth 3rd would always go home with a soft straight clean fur coat.

Jumin (Dyslexia) -
- He loved to watch you write or type away at your computer, or even loved to watch you as you did artistic things.
- He bought you a complete art set for this things.
- But one day he noticed that you were getting frustrated as you wrote in your notebook while you were relaxing in his office with him.
- He watched you for a moment to see you were almost on the brink of tears.
- He gasped a bit as he saw you grab fist fulls of your own hair, mumbling the word stupid over and over again.
- He quickly rushed over to you and pulled you into a hug, carefully taking your hands out of your hair as he rocked you gently to calm you down.
- Now that he looked back on it, you had gotten emotional about writing/reading before, but you always told him it was because of an angsty scene.
- But he also recalled you mispronouncing words, and stumbling over sentences and having to pause in sentences as well.
- He glanced at your notebook to see multiple things erased, marked out, or even misspelled.
- Having had been around doctors for the majority of times he was sick as a child, he had picked up a majority of medical terms. Including Dyslexia.
- Gently once he got you calmed down, he asked you if you had Dyslexia, only to feel you nod into his chest.
- His eyes softened as he continued to rock you to calm you more.
- In the future, he got you some therapy to help you and would let you read to him from time to time, since it not only helped you read better but helped him sleep.

Saeyoung (Depression)-
- Since he had gone through Depression before. He noticed almost immediately that you had similar symptoms as he did.
- He noticed how you were mainly silent and you avoided certain things.
- But he didn't expect it to be this severe.
- One day when he came back from the store he heard a sudden crash in the house.
- Immediately he dropped the bags he was holding and rushed towards the sound of it. Thinking that maybe someone had gotten in and was attacking you.
- When he found you he noticed that the bathroom door was locked and he heard crying from the inside.
- Immediately he kicked the door open, despite maybe spraining his ankle in the process.
- Once he got it open he saw you holding a bloody razor and you were on the ground.
- He rushed to your side and threw the blade away. Pulling you into his arms as he let you cry, rocking you side to side. Mumbling soft words to you as he felt tears stain his shirt, though he didn't care.
- As he let you calm down he started to clean and bandage your new wounds, even he had tears falling down his face when he noticed that these weren't your first ones.
- He carried you to your shared room and laid you down on the bed, letting you snuggle up into his chest.
- When you told him your worries he almost started crying again.
- You told him that you didn't think he deserved you and many other things. Which hurt him, because he didn't deserve you. But he didn't say that. Instead he kissed you gently on the lips.
- That night, he showed you how much he liked you ;)

V (Anxiety) -
- Due to him not having that great vision, he mainly had to rely on sounds and touch.
- He had memorized everything about you, from your breathing patterns, the sound of your voice, your moans, and even the feeling of your skin.
- So one day you both were walking through one of his art galleries he noticed something different as he held your hand.
- Your palms were a tad bit sweaty and you were shaking lightly. And your breath was picking up slightly.
- Carefully he dragged you to an empty part of the art galleries, it seemed to calm you down a bit so he asked if anything was wrong.
- You hesitated for a moment before telling him about your Social anxiety.
- He blinked softly at you before kissing you gently. Mumbling that everything would be alright and that he would help you through this as best he could.

Saeran (PTSD) -
- You knew Saeran when you were little, you had met before his brother had left and like him, you had a rough past. But with your aunt.
- You aunt was all you had left and she would mentally and physically hurt you.
- And only recently did you get out due to Saeran, after you ran into each other at a Cafe.
- He helped get you out and now you room with him at Mint Eye. So after a couple weeks, he started to notice something.
- You would stir quite a lot in your sleep and occasionally whimper. And one day it got to the point where you woke up screaming.
- Thank goodness your room was sound proof. but still, it made him worried when he saw you crying.
- Even though you wouldn't talk to him about the bad dream he carefully talked you back to sleep, which sometimes would help you not have another nightmare.
- Though one day it got really bad and you nearly hit him. But he forgave you none the less since he knew how it felt to have really bad dreams.
- This time though you talked to him about it and he felt so bad. He couldn't put you through brainwashing because he didn't want to hurt you.
- But he promised you that your aunt would no long be able to hurt you, and if she or anyone else tried. They would have to go through him first.
- He helped you whenever you would get triggered by something and tried to keep you from murdering anyone who tried to blame you for what your aunt did to you if they ever found a way to contact you.
- He also hacked anyone who posed a threat to you.

I hope you enjoyed that anon, I know it's bad but I tried my best!

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