Underage MC RFA

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Anonymous said:

yeAH hellO SWEET HUMAN! Can we talK for a minute? Can I just say that I am young and sweet only seventeen(HA GET IT??!) years old girl right? and sometimes I cringe when flirting w the adults bc THEY OLD LOLOL but like I look up to them bc lifewisdom(jumins adVice THO!!) so I was wondering what RFA would treat a underage girl like me? I WANNA HELP EVERYONE WITH THEIR PROBLEMS AND BE THEIR CUTE LIL SIS who GIVE THEM ENDLESSLY AFFECTION AND LOVE YES I AM EXCITED OHYEAH



He would instantly be appalled at his own behaviour. He was incredibly forward a majority of the time, and was very suggestive towards them. If he knew that they were underage, he never would have said anything of the sort. Once he got all of the apologies out of his system Big Brother Zen™ is activated. All he does is make sure that they stay in school and tries to encourage them to not drop out (although he's totally ready for them if they need a place to stay for a while), and is definitely going to be constantly warning them about how they need to make smart life decisions. He's totally there to be a shoulder to cry on and is willing to do anything to make them feel as though they are in a safe environment. Good big brother 10 outta 10 would recommend.


Mom Mode Activated. She's going to be willing to give them advice for anything and everything. She'd make sure that they keep up with their education and is honestly the best tutor on Earth. She always makes time for them for whenever they need help, regardless of her schedule. If they told her that she was their role model she'd be so flustered because she didn't really think that she was good enough to be idolized but she'd make sure that she was an even better role model just for their sake.


He immediately wanted to improve his behavior in college. He noticed that his wasn't that good and he wanted to set a good example for MC! His gaming habits weren't a good one, so he cut down on his gaming and did more studying. He even offered to be a study buddy for MC when she would have upcoming tests. He would encourage MC to stay in school and strive for their dreams. Don't be surprised for game nights together on LOLOL if you get good tests scores. Makes sure MC gets enough sleep as well.


He would definitely always be giving them advice, 24/7. It doesn't matter if they asked or not because he's just so full of that wisdom. He also will love to lowkey spoil them (bc come on be honest being a smol means being broke) but never in ways that are super extravagant it's more like "you need new school supplies here have state of the art things". ALSO since he's a pretty smart guy, he like Jaehee would be willing to tutor them whenever they need it. The difference however is that he isn't very good at it, but he tries, he honestly does. Like Zen, he acts like a big brother, even though the more emotional things he isn't very good at, but he's a pretty good listener.


He would be a bit shocked at first, because well, MC was underaged. He put them through freaking kidnappings and such when they were not even 18?! (That's the age of adulthood where I live, I know it's lower in some places but) He would be that cool brother? You guys would try and steal Elly from Jumin together, and maybe he would teach you some things about self defense. Saeyoung would try his best to be a good influence on MC, but let's be honest here, they'd probably end up sharing memes with each other. But what he would do is create an app for MC, where she could place her notes into it, and it would make little tests for her for when she needs to study. But, he's also good when it comes to advice with life and school subjects. Need help with languages? He's your man. Need help with relationships? He can give advice! Style of clothes? This boy crossdresses, you can trust him.

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