Chapter 3 - A wonderful accident

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Chapter 3

Genevieve's POV

"Oh my god! I am SO sorry! Are you ok?" I ask desperately hoping that he is ok. They have a show coming up soon and I really want him to be well enough to perform.

"It's alright," Zayn says in such a calm voice. Just as the sweet words soak into my brain, he is ripping his t-shirt over his head and his tattooed body appears in front of me. I feel my breath hitch as I take in his appearance. I didn't realise how long I was staring until Zayn questioned me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I look up at Zayn to find a smirk on his face.  I took a second to trail into thoughts, but quickly realised what I was doing.

"Oh.. right ... sorry about that ... here.. umm.. let me get some ice for you and bring you into the bathroom to cool the burn." I don't know what had gotten into me. All I know is that I want to do what I can for Zayn, his skin must be sizzling right now — I literally just boiled the cappuccino! I lead Zayn into the main bathroom, one of four in this gigantic house, and motion for him to sit on the edge of the bathtub. I grab a hand towel from under the sink (I know this house way too well) and run it under cold water. Zayn doesn't say anything, as we both listen to the water run down into the sink.

"I'm so sorry." I repeat, as I squeeze the towel, draining the excess water.

"No, it's fine really," He replies as I walk over. My eyes trail down to his toned stomach and even though I know Zayn is watching me, he doesn't say a thing. This is really awkward because usually I would wipe the towel over the burned area...but it's his stomach and-

"It's okay, I'll do it." He chuckles, obviously having the ability to read my mind. My cheeks grow hot in embarrassment as he takes the towel from me. For a second, he looks like he doesn't know what to do with it.

"Wipe it over your hot body," I say, and immediately realise what I just said. Oh my god. Oh my god. This time, my cheeks flame and I blink rapidly.

"I mean... I didn't mean it like that... I meant wipe it over the bits that were burned," I stutter. He chuckles and I sort of want to fall off the face of the earth. I cannot believe I just called Zayn's body hot. I mean it is, definitely, but I didn't want him to know that I thought that!

I continue to stand there awkwardly watching him. He's wiping his stomach at an agonizingly slow speed; I think he's doing it to torture me. Or maybe I'm going insane and my brain is playing the scene in slow motion. I think the second option.

Once he's finished, I mutter a few more apologies and he reassures me that he is absolutely fine. I hope he is. He leaves to change into another shirt, and I take his wet shirt to the laundry for washing. I really do feel bad for being such a nuisance.



Zayn's POV

I hurry out of the bathroom as Genevieve makes her way to the laundry to wash my shirt. I am flustered from our recent encounter and my whole body is hot. And I don't think it's because of the cappuccino. My mind is spinning with so many different thoughts. I felt some sort of spark with her during our first full conversation alone. Did she feel it to?

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