Chapter 28 - tell me you love me

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Chapter 28

“Hello…Hello…Is this Genevieve Clark?” His words are slurred and his voice is hoarse through the speaker.

“Yeah…what’s going on?” I ask, failing to mask the concern in my voice.

When I glance at Louis, he is reclining on the couch, watching the movie. He looks annoyed and I can’t blame him.

“Hey…tell me you love me,” Zayn slurs and I frown. Is he drunk?

“You’re drunk aren’t you? Where are you, you can’t drive here like that,” I say and he laughs into the speaker. I flinch at the high pitched sound.

“You sound like my mother! Geez woman come here and have some fun with me,” his voice is seductive and playful.

“I’m at that bar near the house.” He says and I immediately know what bar he is talking about. I’ve driven past it a ton of times, but I’ve never been inside cause I’m underage.

“I’ll be there soon, don’t go anywhere.” My protective instincts take over, despite the fact that I’m supposed to be mad at Zayn.

“Sorry Louis, I’ll be back,” I say and climb off of the couch. I gently reject his offer of accompanying me to the bar because I know something bad will happen if he comes.

I go upstairs and change out of my sweats and into a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt with gold sequined sleeves. I quickly neaten up my look and then head down to my car.

As I step into the busy and loud bar, there is no sight of Zayn. I thought he would be out front waiting for me, but I guess I was wrong. I am surprised that there are no security guards checking ID’s because this place is filled with underage party goers.

I make my way through the dancing crowd to try and locate drunken Zayn. After a few minutes, I find him seated in a booth, sitting opposite two blonde girls wearing incredibly revealing dresses…or tops. Whatever piece of material they’re wearing.

“Zayn!” I shout over the music as I approach the booth. I look like crap compared to these two girls, but at least I am classy.

“Oh heeeeeeeeeey! This is my girl!” Zayn yells and the two girls turn to stare at me.

I smile at them to be polite, but they just look me up and down in disgust.

Zayn pulls me down next to him, and wraps his arm around my waist. I stay still because I don’t really know whether I should be mad at him right now seeing as he’s not even thinking straight.

“Why are you here Zayn?” I quietly say into his ear. There must be an underlying reason as to why he’s come here and gotten wasted.

“This is Delilah and Julia,” Zayn introduces the girls, completely ignoring my question.

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