Chapter 4 - You make me nervous

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Chapter 4

Louis' POV

I couldn't help but flinch at the sight of both Zayn and Genevieve laughing at what seems to be the same thing. I don't know what is with me today, but it's sort of like I am jealous or something, like I have the urge for her to want me, and not Zayn. It's always been like this with Zayn for some unknown reason. We are always competing for something; whether it is more solos, food or favouritism by our crew members.

Not long after, the pair realizes that everyone is staring at them and they suddenly stop and go back to eating their food.

Genevieve's POV

I could feel my cheeks glow from the sudden outburst of laughter, followed by Tracy's questioning look. Without thinking twice I answer.

"Sorry Tracy, it was an accident, Zayn and I were..." just as I was about to finish my attempt at an explanation, Zayn interrupts me.

"Gen spilled some coffee on my shirt and we forgot to clean it up." I couldn't help but blush and feel my heart flutter when Zayn called me Gen. I mean no one, not even my mum has ever given me a nickname, also he said we, as in we forgot to clean it up, like we were a couple or something.

"Whoa Zayn! Where did Gen come from!?" I knew that Sandra was up to something when she said that. She always says to me that Zayn and I would look good together, which doesn't really bother me now as much as it used to. I am actually starting to like Zayn, only because we are getting to know each other, but it doesn't mean I am going to give up Louis. Not that I own Louis, but I'm just saying that Louis is still my favourite, and my laptop background will continue to be him.

"I didn't say that!" Zayn's cheeks were really red by the time I got a chance to look at him. Suddenly my eyes dart to Louis' and he has a smirk on his face while he digs into his broccoli.


After dinner is done, all the boys, except Harry go off to the lounge to watch some football. Harry thoughtfully helps Sandra do the dishes as well as splash soap on her face followed by kissing her on the cheek multiple times. They are such a cute couple! I'm not even sure what's going on between them, but I wish I had that with someone. I help to clean the table and rearrange the table décor.

When I finish, I decide to retrieve Zayn's t-shirt from the dryer, sure enough it is completely dry. I decide to hang onto the shirt for a while, just because I like it. I thought I would leave it in the laundry room and sit on the couch with the other boys.

When I reach the living room, I see everyone sitting down except Zayn. Just when I was about to ask where Zayn was, Louis speaks.

"Genevieve! Come sit here," He taps the spot next to him and I don't think twice about what I say.

"Oh uh... actually I was looking for Zayn, do you know where he is?" I ask, hoping not to sound too desperate. Not that I want anything from Zayn. Well I don't think I do anyway. I can see the disappointment in Louis' eyes and guilt washes over me.

"I think he went to the bathroom." Liam says. I could tell by his tone of voice that he was trying to break the tension.


I decide to go into Zayn's room after grabbing his t-shirt. I at least need an excuse to be here. I was thinking of going into my room and forgetting about it, but I was kind of interested in going into Zayn's ro... I mean Zayn AND Louis' room. I turn the knob of the door and I am shocked to see that their room is really neat and organized. I guess it has only been a day; I'm getting ahead of myself here. Louis' suitcase is slightly jutting out from under the bed and Zayn's suitcase is open against the closet door. His side of the room is slightly messier, like I'd imagined. Just as I stroll into the room, I notice a pile of books on Zayn's bedside table. I couldn't help but pick one of them up. Just as I begin to flip through the pages, I notice Zayn leaning on the door frame.

Zayn's POV

I was staring at her for a while, observing the way she walked around the room admiring my things. Just as I see her pick up one of my books, I decide to interrupt.

"What are you doing in here, you alright?" I question her.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine I was just ... dropping off your t-shirt. It's all dry now." She says slightly embarrassed. I never thought that seeing a girl embarrassed would warm my heart so much. She puts my book back in its place and heads towards the door.

"Good as new," she says, holding up the shirt. "I really am sorry."

She has got to stop apologizing.

"Thank you, and stop apologizing! It doesn't matter!" I speak honestly, laughing afterwards. She bites her lip and nods, before starting towards the door.

"No it's alright. You can stay if you want. I don't mind." I say while smirking, hoping not to creep her out too much. I just want her company right now.

"Ok I guess. I just hope no one thinks that we are doing anything..." She says, a slight blush creeping onto her face.

"Why would anyone think that?"

"Well ... I walked into the living room and I asked where you were and now we are together in a bed room .... Together..."

"You know you mentioned together twice right?" I try to hide the smile from my face. I can't help but sing in my head. She was looking for me! Maybe she felt something earlier in the bathroom too.

"Oh ... I ugh... I didn't notice." She says while stuttering and peering down at the carpet, clearly embarrassed.

Before I could think twice, I take a step toward her, and clutch onto her waist. She immediately tenses, and her eyes dart to my hand on her. I use my free hand to grip her chin, forcing her to look up at me. When she does, I smile reassuringly and lean in slowly giving her the opportunity to deny me if she wanted to. Just as our lips are about to brush against one another, the bedroom door swings open, and sure enough, it's Louis.

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