Chapter 51 - Bahamas, here I come!

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Sandra's POV

2 years later

Ever since Thomas passed away, Gen has been depressed upon depressed. I did warn her and she knew this day was coming but I guess, no matter how much you try to prepare, you can never be ready enough. We had already gone to his funeral and multiple times, his mum and younger sister would come over just to have some company. I felt so hopeless during these situations...

Gen has been cooped up in her room all morning (yesterday was 4 months since the funeral and today is monday morning [late July])

"Gen?" I peep into her room

She gets up and wipes her tears

"Hey" she says but doesn't smile

"You know what? We need to take your mind off things and I am not saying you cannot grieve, I'm just saying you need to have a break from everything" I tell her

Ok, so for the past week, I have been planning to take Gen to the Bahamas. I have booked the flights and accommodation. Everything. We are going to be gone for 2 weeks and I know Gen will love it because we have been there once when we were in tenth grade and she has always talked about going back there. Ever since that time we haven't but it's never too late for anything. It's nice to have some change every once in a while

Speaking of change, I am now "promised" to this guy named Jacob that I met at my university. We have been dating for 2 and a half years. I moved on really quickly from Harry and I had no problem with it actually. With Harry getting out of my life once again, it opened up my eyes to the other things around me and although he is a great guy, I don't regret anything. The promise ring that Jacob got me is silver and it made out of many infinity signs and it is sitting on my ring finger. 

"Your point?" Gen asks

"We are ...." I begin and she stands up and looks at me

"going to ..." I tease her a little. Her eyes open wider and craves for the answer

"Nassau in the BAHAMAS!" I yell and she screams and embraces me in a hug

"YAY!" she says and pulls apart from the hug

This is the first time in months that I have seen her smile at all and it is a great feeling knowing that I am part of the reason behind that smile. 

"Oh my gosh!" she says

"When are we leaving?" she asks 

"Next Monday morning" I tell her

"Sandra, I can't wait that long" she pouts 

"We need time to shop and pack" I tell her

"Let's go!" she says and takes down her hair from the bun

"Let's go where?" I ask

"Shopping, duh! I need new bikini's and what not!" she smiles and picks out clothes from her closet

"Okay, let me get dressed" I tell her and walk out of her room

I love that her mood is now improved and hopefully it will stay like this for a long time

I decide to wear some high waisted shorts and a loose sleeveless top and my flip flops. I don't do anything special with my hair, I just spray some beach spray in it and I'm good to go

"Done?" I hear Gen call from outside my room

"Yes" I say and meet her outside my room

"Oooo you look cute!" I tell her

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