Chapter 29 - I'm your backup plan

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Chapter 29

“Gen,” Zayn moans into my mouth as our tongues move in sync. Part of me knows that this is wrong, because Zayn’s drunk and I’m well…meant to be mad at him, but the larger part of me can’t get enough of the Bradford bad boy.

His hands are wrapped securely around my waist, pulling our bodies closer and closer. I am already starting to heat up, and by the deep red colour of his cheeks, I know he is too.

Zayn’s POV

The air in Gen’s small car has gotten 10x hotter and I feel like I’ll explode with humidity any minute now. The way her hands pave through my hair adds to the lustrous sensation and I have to talk myself out of undressing her.

As tempted as I am to go the extra mile with her, I know that she isn’t the type of girl to give it up within a few weeks. And besides, I am almost 100% sure she’s a virgin, so that means her first time needs to be extra special.

Her plump lips taste heavenly in my mouth and I begin to nip at them gently. Her body shivers with pleasure and I smile into the kiss.

“Well…that was really something,” she comments as I plant one last kiss on her lips, before climbing back to the passenger seat. By now, I am completely sober, not a single drop of alcohol affecting my thoughts and motives.

“You got that right,” I say and smile at her.

She starts the engine to her car and we drive back to Sandra’s in silence, listening to the reggae tunes on the radio.

When we return, I am pleased that Gen heads straight for Louis and I’s room. I silently pray that she’ll stay the night, but I can’t count on it.

“I’m just going to brush my teeth and change,” she informs me and walks into the adjacent bathroom. I take a seat on my bed and notice that Louis isn’t in here. Come to think of it, he hasn’t been around the last few nights. I decide to investigate.

I walk downstairs to find Louis fast asleep on the couch. The living room is dark and I notice that he has taken a blanket and pillow. I feel guilty for the 100th time today, because I know it’s my fault that he isn’t sleeping in our room anymore.

When I re-enter my room, Gen is seated on the side of the bed in her pyjamas. She looks so innocent, almost like a little girl…a really hot one.

“Where were you?” she asks and I tell her that I got a glass of water in the kitchen.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I return to the room. I am fully aware of Gen’s wandering eyes as I pull off my shirt and take my pants off. Tonight, I am sleeping in only boxers.

“You’re sleeping in…that?” Gen questions as I climb into the bed. She inches away from me slightly, but I still notice.

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