Chapter 40 - Baby or no baby?

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Chapter 40

Gen’s POV

“Wait here while I get you another bucket” Sandra says and runs out of the room

I can’t remember what exactly happened last night. I do remember Louis being mad at me and me talking to Zayn and then everything just went black …

I woke up this morning next to Zayn for some reason, but that’s the least of my worries. I woke up throwing up but luckily Zayn was around to get me a bucket before it went everywhere

“Here you go” Sandra says, placing another bucket beside me

“Thank you” I smile at her

“Can you get up now?” she asks

“I can I guess”

“Maybe a shower will help” she suggest

“Yeah” I reply and slowly get up

I woke up this morning completely stripped of my clothes and my girl part was terribly sore and ….

“Holy Crap!” I say to myself

“What?” Sandra asks

“Where is Zayn?” I begin to panic 

“Lounge” she says and I walk as quickly as I can to the lounge room, despite my hangover and the pain in between my legs

When I enter the lounge room, I see Zayn with his arm over his eyes, lying on the couch

“Zayn” I shake him

“Mmm?” he slowly wakes up

“What happened?” I ask him

“What?” he asks rubbing his eyes

“What did we do last night?” I say quiet enough so that Sandra can’t hear us

We look at each other for a while until Zayn’s eyes go wide 

“What?” I begin to panic even more

“We …” he begins to say. I cover my mouth with one hand. I knew it. We had sex

There are so many things running through my mind right now. Did we use protection? Were we both drunk? Did he take advantage of me? Did Louis call back? Did Zayn just have sex with me to piss of Louis? Am I pregnant?!

We keep looking at each other

“Doctor” Zayn says running to get his phone

“I’ll get changed” I tell him and go as fast as I can to my bedroom to get dressed out of my pj’s

I can’t believe this. What if I am pregnant? What am I going to do with the child? What are my parents going to think? My whole life is going to start crumbling down!

“Hey?” Sandra says confused, seeming as I just ran into the room

“Zayn and I are going out” I say stripping off my shirt and shorts and putting on a black floral dress

“Ummm …. Ok?” she comments

“We will be gone for about an hour” I tell her while putting on some makeup

“Where are you guys going?” she asks

“ … just to town” I tell her. I don’t want to tell her that Zayn and I did it last night. Not now at least…

“Ok, well, have fun” she says

“I will try!” I say while putting on my black sandals

I quickly pick up my phone from my dresser on the way out of my room. I walk over to the front door to see Zayn on his phone waiting for me

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