Chapter 41 - A little jealous

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Chapter 41

Gen’s POV

“As for the pregnancy results…” the doctor says and I squeeze Zayn’s hand

“You are not pregnant” he says and I let out a breath which I had been holding in

“Would you like to hear more?” he asks

More? Hear more about what?

“Umm, sure” I reply

“Miss Clark…” he says and pauses for a while

“I’m sorry to say that you are actually, infertile” he says. Infertile? Never able to have kids? I feel my heart break into pieces upon pieces. I can feel the tears build on my eyes. I look down and cover my mouth with my right hand, keeping my left hand linked with Zayn’s

“I’m sorry” the doctor says

Zayn let’s go of my hand and pulls me into a hug. I burry my face into his neck and keep crying

“Shall I leave you two alone for a while?” the doctor asks

I assume Zayn nodded because when I look up, Doctor Naal is gone from the room

“Hey, you alright?” Zayn asks me

“I can’t have kids” I quietly say

“On the bright side, at least you aren’t pregnant, right?” he tries cheering me up

“Yeah, I guess” I say

“You love kids, don’t you?” Zayn asks

“Reason why I want to be a children’s doctor” I say and wipe the tears from my eyes

“It’s ok, you will find a way” he says

“And look on the other bright side, at least you can have sex without protection!” he says and I slap him on the arm

“What?” he says while laughing

“Inappropriate statement!” I yell but I can’t help but smile

“Hey, at least I made you smile!” he says


“Should we go?” he asks

“Yeah” I say and we both stand up

We walk out to the car and Zayn opens the car door for me

“Thanks for coming with me” I thank him

“No problem” he says

After I get into the car, he closes the door and runs over to the drivers side

“So, how are you feeling?” he asks after we have been driving for about 5 minutes

“Hungry” I tell him

“Let’s go and eat something then” he suggests

“Where do you want to eat?” he asks

“Anywhere you want” I tell him

“How abo-“ he begins but my phone ringing interrupts him

“Sorry” I say and look at my phone. Louis is calling

“Hey baby” I answer

“Hey” he says sounding tired

“You alright?” I ask him

“I’m tired” he laughs

“Aww, poor baby” I say and I hear Zayn scoff

“Are you with someone?” he asks

“Yeah, I’m with Zayn” I tell him

“That’s good, you guys doing anything?” he asks

“We are going out for lunch”

“Is Sandra tagging along?” he asks

“I’m not sure” I tell him. I did think about asking her to come along

“Ok” he responds

“Hey, I have to get going but maybe we can talk later?” he says

“Yeah sure!” I reply

“Great! I’m looking forward to it” he says and I just know he is smirking

“Alright, bye!” I say

“Bye, I love you!” he sings

“I love you too!” I say and he hangs up

“Sorry about that” I apologise to Zayn

“You were saying?” I say

“Oh .. uh, I can’t remember” he stutters

“Oh um, ok then” I say and the rest of the car ride is silent. An awkward kind of silent

Louis’ POV

I was a little upset that she is with Zayn but seeming that she called me “baby” and said she loved me in front of him didn’t make it so bad. 

“Who was that?” Harry asks after I hang up

“Gen” I say

“When is Zayn coming back?” he asks

“I’m not sure”

“Hopefully soon”

“Don’t worry man, Zayn won’t do anything stupid” he says

“And even if he did, I’m sure he would tell you”

“Yeah …”

He would. Right?


This is a short chapter so there will be another update shortly! Thank you for your patience with the updates!

I have been extremely busy with school, but that's not a good excuse :') 

I will try to be frequent with my updates, I'm just trying to find time to write :)

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