Chapter 37 - Love is hard

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Chapter 37


*3 months later*

I open my eyes to the sunlight shining through the blinds of the hotel. We are now situated in California, Los Angeles to be exact. We have been here for a day so far and today is our last day on break. 

I really need to go to the toilet but Louis has his legs tangled in mine and his arm over my waist. I turn myself so that I am facing him and stare at him for a while until his eyes open

“What are you doing?” he asks

“Nothing” I say back and smile

“If you say so” he says and untangles himself from me. Surprisingly, Louis and I are still not dating which is a shocker to most people that know about this whole management thing. Zayn hasn’t been talking to Louis or me lately. The only person he has been talking to is Niall, which is a little strange but every now and then Zayn will smile at me or wave.

I feel the bed rise and see Louis putting on his shirt that he left on the chair beside his bed

“Whoa dude, where do you think you are going?” I question knowing exactly where he is going. The toilet. He knows very well that I always go first. Weird I know, but it was kind of our arrangement.

“The toilet” he says smirking while walking over to the toilet. I quickly pull the blanket off my body and race in front of the toilet door before he can enter

“Whoa babe, are you ok?” he says raising an eyebrow clearly confused

“We had a deal” I whisper into his ear and go inside the bathroom and close the door before he could say anything else to me

“It’s just a toilet” he yells through the door

“I love you too” I say smiling to myself

“If you don’t open the door, I will barge in there” he yells

“What’s with the sudden bond with the toilet? You getting married? Is it something that I need to know about?” I ask sarcastically. Sometimes Louis and I act as if we are together but in the end, it’s all just an act… right?

“I’m counting to three. One … Two …. Th-“ 

“OK!” I say unlocking the door

“Gosh, do you have some bladder problem that I need to know about, because I don’t think I want to sleep in the same bed as you if you do…” I say

“No, I just happen to really need to go to the toilet. Got a problem with that?” 

“No… not really …” I start off but slow down because I notice that he is unzipping his jeans in front of me. We are still in our clothes from last night because by the time we got back from our “date”, we were both exhausted so he just took off his shirt and we both went to bed

“Aren’t you going to wait for me to get out?” I question

“Pee waits for no one” he winks

“Ugh, you are so annoying” I walk out and close the toilet door

*2 days later*

Zayn’s POV

We are now on the tour bus and it is about 3 in the afternoon. I am facetiming with Oliver seeming as he is better now and I miss him. I am sitting in the lounge part of the bus and Gen is directly opposite to me reading a magazine. Things between Gen and I are still a little awkward but I don’t see her much which makes up for it

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