Chapter 49 - Love me or hate me

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Chapter 49

Zayn’s POV

The second the question is out, I knew this wasn’t going to end well.

Sandra may have well known that we did it and heck, maybe Harry knows too, but that is more that enough people. I don’t need trouble stirring up. Not now at least

I look up at Gen and she is looking down and twiddling her fingers

“Yes” I say and Gen shoots up and gives me “the look” (of hatred possibly)

The whole rooms falls silent and it is awkward. Really awkward! 

“What? You asked!” I say

“Sorry” Niall says

I spin the bottle and it lands on Harry

Harry asks the most random questions and sometimes their good but sometimes their just out of this world, so lets hope mine is good

“If you had a cat, what would you name it?” Seriously harry? Seriously! Out of all the questions in the world, he had to ask me that!

“Seriously?” Liam says

“Okay! Sorry, I will ask something else!” he says 

“What was the most interesting event for you today?” he asked

Everyone looked at me waiting for me to answer

I look at Gen and she is looking at me wondering what I would say and that I wouldn’t say anything about what happened in the room

“Gen pulling out a condom from her night gown” I say and she hides her face in her hands

Wow I am really embarrassing her today 

“You keep a condom in your night gown?” Liam asks

“She does that just in case” Sandra says for her

“And has it ever come in handy?” Niall asks

“Plenty of times” Sandra says

Gen slaps her on the arm

“She always used them in high school” Sandra blurts out

“OOOOOOooooo!” Niall says and Gen burries her face into Liam’s shoulder

“There there” Liam says awkwardly while patting her head

He obviously not used to Gen and her affection to people

Harry spins the bottle and it lands on Liam

“How many times have you seen Sandra naked?” Liam asks

“Oooh!!!!!!” Niall cheers

“Busted!” Niall whispers extremely loud to Harry who is sitting beside him

Harry looks up at the ceiling and thinks for a bit

“3 times” he says

“And when was that?” Liam asks

“Once when we were little, when I turned 14 and last week” he says 

“Last week?!” Liam asks with one eyebrow raised

“WOW ok! This game might as well be called “let’s embarrass as many people as we can because it’s fun”” she says using finger air quotes

“You can’t talk missy! You embarrassed me!” Gen says

Liam spins the bottle and it lands on Louis

Please ask him a really embarrassing question 

“Man crush?” Liam asks

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