Chapter 45 - Not interested anymore

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Chapter 45

Gen’s POV

“Thanks for taking me out” I thank Thomas

“No problem! I had a really good time” he says

“Yeah, me too” I reply him

“Would you like to come in?” I ask him

“Yeah sure!” he says and walks in

When we enter, Sandra is seated on the couch eating straight from an ice cream container

“Hey, you alright?” I ask as I close the door behind Tom

“Yeah” she says cheerfully and puts another scoop of ice cream into her mouth

“What is with … this?” Tom asks and points at Sandra

“It’s a girl thing” I simply reply him 

“Oh, Gen, Zayn called and he said that i have to tell you that Perrie and Sam invited you guys over to their house for dinner next Sunday or Saturday or this weekend. I can’t remember exactly, so just call him. Your phone is on the kitchen counter” she says not looking at me once

“Alright” i reply her

“I should get going now” Thomas says

“Oh, yeah, ummm well I had a really good time and thanks for paying for me” i say to him

“My pleasure, i hope we can do it again” he says

“Yeah, me too” i say and he leaves

“I don’t trust him” Sandra blurts out

“Why?” I ask her

I grab my phone from the kitchen top and walk over to the couch with her

“I don’t know. When you left this morning, i thought, yeah he is a good guy, but now that i think about it, you have a boyfriend and even though he is just kind of fake, but Louis does really love you and here you are going out with your “cousin”” she says using finger quotation

“I do really like Louis but I just don’t think he can ever be more than a friend to me. Like, i just don’t know, i always thought that i liked Louis but then Zayn comes along and changed everything” i tell her

“And how exactly does Zayn change everything?” she asks

“I just seem to keep falling for him every time i see him, but it seems like he has moved on” 

“What makes you think that?” she asks me

“I don’t know, i just have this feeling deep inside of me” 

“But yet, he still had sex with you” she says and i immediately draw my attention to her

“How do you know this?!” i ask her

“Oh so you did!” she says and raises her eyebrows

I just glare at her

“Ok, i heard you guys “doing it” while i was eating dinner and let’s just say i lost my appetite but when you guys were sober again, i didn’t bother asking or anything because i just know its none of my business anyway” she says

“Have you told anyone?” i ask her

“I’ve told Liam but he hasn’t told anyone” she says

I sigh and sit back down in my seat

“Are you planning on telling Louis?” she asks me

“No, why should I? I mean, i really have no need to”

“Good point, also he isn’t technically your boyfriend. But i just feel so sorry for him sometimes you know? Like he loves you so much and just knowing that you don’t love him back is so heartbreaking” she states

“Yeah, but then again, what can i do about it? Nothing right?” i say

“Well, you can buckle up and stop hurting him” she says

“What are you talking about?” i ask her

“Oh my god Gen! Seriously get a grip! Every time something happens between you and Zayn, you go running over to Louis and making him feel like some special person and you go kissing him and whatever but you are just leading him on because you don’t actually like him! Gen, i am a strong believer that people can only love one person and i don’t mean family and you have to stop doing this to Louis! You need to back away from him because you are just going to end up hurting him more than you already have! If you love Zayn, which obviously you do, you need to tell him and apologise for all the sickening things you have done and yes he will be mad at you because you have lead him on but honestly, you deserve it! Now, i know i am your best friend and i am supposed to support you but this is getting out of hand!” she yells at me

I just sit quietly 

I know i have been leading Louis on and stuff but it never really hit me

“Yeah because you are such a dumb person!” Sandra says

“What?” i ask her

“You said that you leading on Louis has never really hit you” she says

“Did i say that out loud?” i ask

“Yes” she says and gets up from her seat

“Where are you going?” i ask her

“I’m going to sleep but you need to call Zayn and arrange the Perrie thing with him and after you do that, you need to arrange to meet with Louis and you WILL NOT discuss this with him over the phone! He needs to here this in person! and if you muck this up, let’s just say I am going to be very upset with you because Louis doesn’t deserve this!” she says and storms into the kitchen

I pick up my phone and search for Zayn in my contacts

“Oh! and forget about ever meeting up with Thomas again. We don’t need him heartbroken as well!” she says and storms off again

After she leaves, i call Zayn. He picks up after 2 rings

“hey Zayn” I greet him

“Hi Gen” he says

“What’s up?” he asks

“Oh, just calling to find out about the dinner at Perrie’s” i tell him

“Ah right, so Perrie and Sam invited us over next Sunday to have dinner at their place and I was wondering if you wanted to go?” he asks

“Yeah, sure” 

“Cool, so I will text you the details but i really have to go now” he says quickly

“Alright, bye!” i chime 

“Love you” he says and hangs up

Does he really love me?

Louis’ POV

Hi Louis, I was wondering if we would be able to meet up when you come down to Florida? I need to tell you something :) xx Gen

I read the text that Gen just sent to me

So, i was thinking today and i realised that no matter what i do, Gen will never actually love me even though she acts like she does. She will always love Zayn. I know she will. I can just tell by the way they look at each other

Besides that, i discovered that i don’t actually like Gen. Sure she is a nice person if she wants to be but my feelings for her have just kind of faded. SO, i talked to management today and they said that they will arrange for me to go out with someone else and for Gen to “date” Zayn. So that is something I need to tell her

Hi Genevieve. I also need to talk to you, but let me talk first when we meet. Let’s meet up next Friday for lunch at Nando’s -Louis

I didn’t bother using her nickname or putting an “x” before my name. This hopefully won’t stir up drama but she should start getting hints that I’m not interested in her anymore

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