Chapter 44 - I don't love her

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Chapter 44

Gen’s POV

“You think I’m perfect?” I ask and chuckle at the same time

“Yeah!” he says

“Thanks” I can’t help but blush

“So, do you think you would ever date someone … I don’t know … not famous?” he asks looking down at his feet

“Yeah totally!” I tell him

“Well since we are on the topic, would you ever consider going out with me?” he asks

He’s such a cutie!

I laugh a little

“Of course!” I say to him

“Well that’s a weight off my shoulders” he says and laughs a little

“You’re cute Thomas” I tell him

“I try” he says and fixes his hair a little

There is a small pause

“Want my number?”  I ask him

“Yeah! That’d be great!” he says

“Cool” I say and type my number into his phone

“Call me whenever, I will be in town for another year or so” I tell him

“I will!” he says

“I have to get going now, but we should meet up again” I tell him

“Yeah, for sure!” he says and puts his phone away

“Catch ya later” he says and pulls me into a hug

“See ya” I say and walk off to my car

Just as I reach the car, my phone chimes and I take it out to see a text from someone who I assume is Thomas

Hey! Are you free tomorrow for lunch? -Thomas

I can’t help but smile at my phone. Just as I type back, the window to the passenger seat on my car winds down. I bend down and see Sandra in the driver seat

“You getting in?” she asks

“Yeah, sorry” I say and get into the car

Tomorrow lunch sounds great! x Gen

“Put on your se-“ Sandra begins

“Who you texting?” she asks

“Oh, I met this guy at school, his name is Thomas and he’s a nice guy and we just exchanged numbers and we are going to meet up tomorrow” I say quickly

“Ok, I only got like, half of that, but someone’s excited!” she says and looks at me in a creepy way

“Ok that’s just way too creepy!” I tell her

“Someone’s in love” she sings

“I’m not! We barely know each other” I tell her

“Is he cute?” she asks and starts the engine

“Yes! Oh my gosh yes!” I nearly scream

“Louis better be jealous” she says

“and Zayn” she quickly adds on


I sigh to myself

“What’s the matter?” she asks

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