Chapter 42 - You looked familiar

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Chapter 42

Gen’s POV

Zayn and I were now sitting in a restaurant waiting for the food to come

“Gen” he says and I look up at him


“You realise that you cheated on Louis, right?” 

Did I? I mean, we are not technically together …

“But we aren’t really dating …”  I tell him

“Point” he says and drinks some of his water

“When are you going back?” I ask him

“Tomorrow” he says

“Well you could have told me sooner” I tell him

“Sorry” he says

“See ya” I wave Sandra goodbye as she heads to her class. I am going to Physics class, which is my only class today

“Shit, sorry” I say as I bump into someone and he drops his books

“It’s alright” he says and bends down to pick up his books

“You going to physics?” I ask him after looking at his books

“Yeah” he says with a laugh and stands up

He is tall, maybe about 6 feet, he has blonde wavy hair that covers most of his head

“are you?” he asks

“Yeah” I say

“Want to walk together?” he asks

“Sure” I smile at him

“So, what’s your name beautiful?” he asks

“Genevieve” I reply. Obviously he hasn’t seen me around before

“That’s a beautiful name” he says

“Thank you! What’s your name?” I ask him

“Thomas” he replies

Before either of us can say anything else, 2 girls come up to me 

“Genevieve Clark?!” they practically scream

“That’s me” I reply and they start freaking out. Thomas looks at me in a weird way

“I’ll explain later” I tell him and he stands aside

I take pictures with the girls and they give me their twitter name to follow them

“Say hi to the boys for us” they say and I know they are referring to One Direction

“I will” I tell them

“Bye!” they chime and walk off

“What was that all about?” Thomas asks

“Long story” I tell them

“Are you dating someone famous?” he asks

No. But I have to say yes because that is what everyone thinks

“Yeah” I reply

“That’s great” he says

“So, who is this guy?” he asks

“Louis Tomlinson” I tell him

“Ahh, so that’s where I’ve seen you before! I thought you looked familiar” he smiles

After class

“Where are you off to now?” Thomas asks me

“I’m going home to call my boyfriend” I tell him

“Same with me, just it’s my girlfriend, not boyfriend” he says

“Figured. Tell her I say hi” I say to him

“I will tell Selena you said hi” he says. Wait … what? Selena? As in … Selena Gomez???!


“Kidding” he says and punching my shoulder

“Gosh, you scared me for a second!” 

“You’re cute” he says and slings his arm around my shoulder and we walk out of the building door

“Shoot” I say and remove his hand from my shoulder

The paps are here


Thomas = Austin Butler

Who ships Gen and Thomas???

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