Chapter 27 - Why you not like mummy?

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Chapter 27

Zayn's POV

"That girl you sed on TV, daddy!" Oliver says and I feel sick. He is only two years old, he does not need to be dealing with this right now. I need to find Perrie and ask her why she let him watch the interview.

"Um... no I don't have a car as nice as that one!" I reply, trying to steer the conversation away from Gen. Oliver must be so confused.

Thankfully, Perrie re-enters the room and informs us that dinner is ready. I carry Oliver into the dining room and all three of us sit down for dinner. Being the amazing chef that she is, Perrie has prepared a delicious meal of chicken and spinach risotto.

We eat in silence for a few minutes, with the exception of Oliver's occasional comments that make no sense and Perrie telling him off for playing with his food.

"Dadda!" Oliver says and I turn to look at him. For a two year old, he sure talks a lot; I think he gets it from Perrie. Seeing as her and Oliver live alone, she must be feeling lonely and thus constantly talking to Oliver. I guess it is good for his social skills and vocabulary.

"What's up, boy?"

"Why you not like mummy?" I am taken aback by his sudden question and turn to look at Perrie for aide. She is looking at me with the same panicked look and her eyes are scrambling for an explanation.

"Umm... I do like mummy. What are you talking about?" I reply. Who said I didn't like Perrie? I just don't love her in that way.

"Yeah...daddy likes me, honey." Perrie reassures him but he doesn't seem convinced. I really don't feel like having a heart to heart about my failed relationship with my two year old son.

"No, you like a new one," Oliver shakes his head and my heart sinks. It sounds like he is talking about a new car model, rather than woman, which is worrying.

A wave of guilt washes over me as I search for words. I feel like I have committed a crime or something by seeing someone else. Oliver is too young to understand any of this, and my heart aches to know that this has been on his mind. 

"I still like mummy though." Is all I can think of right now. Perrie looks uncomfortable and I am sure that I do too.

The air in the room has shifted from a comfortable, friendly silence, to an intense vibe. The words Oliver is saying sound so simple, yet little does he know, they hold so much meaning and dig out so many feelings.

"No you don't." Oliver fires back. He sure is feisty tonight. Before he can expand on his crude statement, Perrie injects.

"Okay, that's enough Oliver. Eat your food." She harshly instructs and he sinks into his high chair seat. I keep my eyes on him as he mashes a piece of chicken with his yellow plastic fork.

Perrie looks angry and I want to say something to ease the tension but the words just won't come to me.

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