Chapter 16 - Liam is guilty

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Chapter 16

Genevieve’s POV

There is a pang at my chest when the words leave Liam’s mouth. And it’s your fault. He said the words so calmly, so smoothly, as if he didn’t even consider the effect or meaning of them.

I want to protest, I want to make him spit it out, but my heart stops me because I don’t know if I can handle whatever it is he is withholding.

“Fine, I will stay away from them.” I say and walk off without giving him any chance of replying.

Zayn’s POV

I barely got any sleep last night, I couldn’t. As sad as it sounds, I even tried crying myself to sleep. But of course that failed. When I get up, Louis is still fast asleep so I tip toe out of the room as quietly as I can. Although I dislike him, especially for stealing away Gen, I can’t be that mean to him, after all, he is unwell.

When I return to the bedroom, Louis is getting changed.

“You feeling better now?” I ask.

“What’s with the sudden care and compassion?” His tone is wary and his eyes curious.

“I was just worried about you. Despite everything, you are still my band mate and you are like family to me,” I say. I want to make an effort to be nice to everyone. Although my heart is throbbing, I still have a chance to win her over.

“Better now, thanks to the Advil Gen gave me last night,” he says while neatening his hair. It’s ironic how he still mentioned Gen.

“That’s good. Well I will see you downstairs. You want me to make you anything?” I ask.

“I’m good. Thanks for the offer!” He says and gives me a warm smile. I know he is because of what I said last night. That Gen was all his, but little does he know, she isn’t. I don’t exactly know what I am going to do yet, but as of right now, I am going to focus on just being friends. I have way too many things on my mind to think of anything more.

As I walk into the kitchen, Liam is making himself a coffee and Gen has her arms crossed over the table and her head is laying on them. I begin to get a little bit worried. Maybe she too isn’t feeling very well. But like Niall said, I can’t always be there for her, even though I want to. But that is what Louis is for, I’m just a friend. Sadly.

I walk past Liam without making any eye contact and into the pantry. I take a look inside and even though there are many things that I can eat, I don’t feel like eating. I think I am going through one of those stages where you get rejected and become depressed for a week or so. When I close the pantry door, Louis is making his way into the kitchen. I can tell he still isn’t well so I decide to go and help him out. This will also be a good chance to show Gen that I don’t need her and maybe it will make her jealous. Even if it doesn’t, it will change the way she looks at me. I’m sure Louis wouldn’t help me out like this if the roles were reversed.

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