Chapter 50 - Boys and their games

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Chapter 50

Liam’s POV

“That’s the thing, I don’t love her. In fact, I never did. It’s all just a game to me, nothing more” Zayn says

My heart drops hearing this. I always knew Zayn was the type to play girls and mess with their feelings but ever since Gen came along, I thought things had changed

“What are you talking about?” I ask him

“You heard me. It’s all just a game” He clarifies

“You mean all the yelling and arguing with Louis and-“

“EVERYTHING WAS FAKE! That is what a game means!!” Zayn yells at me

“wow” I whisper to myself

“Louis knows about it too” He tells me

“How long has he known about this?” I ask him

“Since Friday” he says

“Why would you fake all of this?” I ask him


“ZAYN!” Harry interrupts him

“What?” Zayn asks

Harry looks between the two of us

“Don’t tell me you rejected Gen to be gay with Liam” he says

What a joker

“Now’s not the time” I comment

“Sorry” He apologises 

“Look, Gen is crying her heart out up there and I think you should apologise to her” Harry says

“No” Zayn says

“Don’t you love her?” Harry asks


Harry looks at me hoping to get some answers but I just sigh and walk away

I walk up to the apartment and see that Gen is still outside crying like mad. I just feel so bad for her because I know she actually really liked Zayn and to think that this is all a game to him just makes the situation worse. One thing I don’t get is, if this was all a game, why would he have come and cried to me for 4 hours when we still lived with Sandra and complain every time he would see Gen and Louis out together. If this was all a game then he really knew how to make everything look real. I knew Perrie was a game to him, but I thought it was different with Gen. He would always tell us how much he loved her even when she wasn’t around and he even got her a promise ring at one stage…

How could he make all of this look so real?

“Louis, can I talk to you for a second?” I ask him

“Sure” he says and gets up

He follows me into the kitchen away from Niall who is now the only one sitting on the floor

“What is it?” Louis asks

“You know about Zayn and what he feels towards Gen?” I ask him

“Uh Yeah?” He replies in a tone that’s like “yeah so?” 

“And you are ok with this?” I ask him

“No I’m not but Zayn is Zayn and I can’t change him even though I would like to. He claims that it was all a game but it really wasn’t, not at the start at least. He liked her for about a month but then he got jealous that she liked me so from there it was like a game to him” he tells me

“Why don’t you tell Gen about this?” I ask him

“There really is no need to” he tells me

“But why? Don’t you like her?” I ask him

“I don’t like her. She thinks I am trying to get over her but the truth is, I never really did feel anything special for her, she was like a crush that a 5 year old boy has on a girl. To tell the truth, if it wasn’t for management, Zayn and I would completely leave Gen and possibly never see her again” he says

It shocks me. These two boys really know how the mess with a girls feelings.

“I- I don’t understand…” 

“This is none of your concern” Louis says and taps my shoulder

“Why would you agree to hurt a girl like this?” I ask him

“We didn’t agree on anything, but Liam, boys will be boys and there is nothing you can do about it” he says and walks outside

No one’s POV

After this event, the boys and girls did not talk to each other at all. Gen was still extremely hurt by what Zayn had said about her, Louis and Thomas and didn’t stop crying for another hour. She also found out that everything was a game to both Louis and Zayn

The next day, the boys went to see management about the girls and Cathy completely got rid of Gen from the dating list. Since that, Harry has been forbidden to see Sandra and he has been told to go on a few dates with Kendall Jenner to re-direct the public eye

The boys then performed in Florida and left to continue on with their tour

Gen talked to Thomas about what had happened and how everything was fake and she was never in an actual relationship with Louis or Zayn. Thomas understood why she had to lie to him and let it go easily

Gen found out that Thomas did not actually have an interview to go to but instead he had to go for a doctor’s check up. 

She found out that Thomas has had prostate cancer for 3 years.

Nevertheless, she continued to see him and shortly after, he asked her to be his girlfriend. She gladly accepted. They dated for 2 years before he passed away

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