Chapter 48 - Spin the bottle, with a twist

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Gen’s POV

After Zayn had confessed that he liked me, it had been a little bit more awkward. He still thought i had feelings for Louis when as a matter of fact, I didn’t. But he doesn’t know that. 

We arrived at the garden and we were now in the restaurant trying to order food. Luckily there are only paps here and not many fans although I’m sure they will find out and they will be swarming around here in no time. 

Zayn and I are now seated on a two seat table eating our entree (salad). 

“How’s school?” Zayn breaks the silence 

“Good” i reply

“How did you meet Thomas?” he asks

“I bumped into him” i tell Zayn and he lets out a small laugh

“Of course you did” he laughs

“Just cause I’m clumsy” i comment back at him

“It’s cute” he says and gives me a small smile

There is a small pause where the both of us take a mouthful of salad

“Zayn?” i say and he looks up at me

Man he is so hot


“Just to let you know, when I said that I still had feelings for Louis, I was lying” I tell him

“I know” he says back

Such a cocky boy

“Obviously” i say quietly

“Does that mean you still like me?” he asks

“What would you two like for drinks?” the waitress stops me from speaking

“I will have a water” i tell her

“Same for me, thank you” he says

“Alright then” she says and leaves


We go through the whole lunch not talking, which was making me quite uncomfortable

We both get up from our seats and go into Zayn’s car 

After a half an hour drive without talking, Zayn opens the car door for me at my apartment complex

“Thanks” i say and get out of the car

I walk over to the elevator to take me up to the apartment and press the button to activate the elevator

Zayn quickly locks the car and catches up with me

Once the elevator takes us up to my apartment, I take out my keys to open the door

“Bye Zayn” i say quietly but he stops me from going in by grabbing my hand

“Do you still love me?” he asks

“Why are you asking me this?”

“Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away, if you’ll be mine”

I keep quiet for a while

“Yes Zayn, I still love you”

He sighs a relief

“Hi Guys!” Sandra cheers through the door

Zayn and I break eye contact and I look behind me to look at Sandra

“Hey” I say and give her a small smile

“So …… how was this romantic date?” she asks and leans on the door frame

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