Chapter 22 - Words of approval?

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Chapter 22

Zayn's POV

I can't believe she didn't even introduce me! Not to mention all the things Gen's mum said about Louis! Today really isn't my day.

"LOUIS!" Niall teases, patting Louis on the back.

"Looks like your well liked!" Harry says

"Why didn't she introduce you?" Liam asks me.

"because she is mad at me because she thinks that I kissed that girl in Nandos," I say

"Dude! That was all her though!" Harry says frowning

"Tell that to her! She won't listen to me!" I say

"I will tell Sandra," Harry says and walks off

Harry's POV

I walk into the kitchen and sure enough, she is in there making some tea. Gen's mum and Tracy are sitting at the dining table having a chat.

"Hello charmer," she says and turns around

"What's wrong?" She asks

"We need to talk," I say

"Sure, go ahead," she says smiling

"Have you seen the picture of Zayn and that girl kissing on the lips?" I ask

"Yeah! The one that made Gen really upset..." she says frowning

"Just so you know, she set him up," I say


"Yeah! She asked for a picture with him kissing her on the cheek and then just when the picture was about to be taken, she turned so it looked like they were actually kissing," I say and she looks shocked

"Well then why didn't he tell her?"

"Because she didn't let him." I say

"You want me to help him out don't you!" she says smirking

"Well .... Yeah because he is my best friend," I say smiling

"Fine! I will do what I can!" she says sighing


Sandra's POV

I knew Zayn wouldn't actually kiss that girl on purpose, although he was a playboy before, I can tell when someone really likes another person. I walk up to the bedroom that Gen and I are sharing and knock on the door.

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