Chapter 43 - Cheesy Cousin?

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Chapter 43

Gen’s POV

I quickly remove Thomas’ arm from my shoulder

“We can’t go out this way” I tell him

“Okay …?” 

“Come, we will go through the back” I tell him and pull him by the hand

We run to the back of the university (college) and stop to catch our breath. We literally sprinted and he was FAST, might I add.

“You’re fast!” I say to him panting

“Yeah, I was on the track team in high school” he says getting out a new water bottle

“Here” he says and hands me the bottle

“I figured you wouldn’t have one because you are only carrying around that tiny bag and your books in your arms” he says

“Thanks” I say and open the bottle

“So … what now?” he says

“I’m going to wait here for a while, until the paps clear up. You can go if you’d like” I tell him

“No, it’s fine. I’ve got nothing better to do anyway” he says

“Your girlfriend?” I remind him

“It’s fine” he waves it off

“If you say so” I say and sit down 

He sits next to me shortly

“Genevieve?” he says

“Yeah?” I reply

“I think your phone is ringing” he points out which is true

I was holding my phone and it was on full silent. Not even vibrate

On the screen you could clearly see “Lou Bear <3” written on the screen and the caller ID and the picture is of the 2 of us together

“Ello?” I respond

“Hey babe” he says. I’m sure Thomas can hear our conversation seeming as he is sitting so near me

“What are you up to now?” I ask him

“Nothing really, just waiting at the airport to pick up Zayn” he replies

“SHIT!” I say. I totally forgot he was leaving today

“Babe, I will call you back ok?” I tell him

“Sure, everything alright?” he asks

“Yeah, I just forgot to do something” I tell him

“Alrighty, call me back ASAP ok?” he says


“Bye” he says and hangs up

I quickly dial in Zayn’s number. Yes I have memorised it

“What’s up?” Thomas asks

“Best friend. Airport. Wait a sec” I say to him and put the phone to my ear

“Pick up, pick up” I say to myself

“Yellop?” Zayn responds

“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE LEAVING?!” I yell into the phone

“I don’t know, I just … didn’t think about it” he says

“Would there be enough time so I can see you?” I say to him

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