Chapter 32 - Maybe Oliver isn't a blessing?

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Chapter 32

Zayn’s POV

“WHAT!” I practically shout into the phone and Gen looks up at me

“We are in the hospital now. Please come” she says still sobbing 

“I’m on my way” I say and hang up

“What’s wrong?” Gen asks

“Oliver is in hospital, Perrie said that he isn’t breathing” I say while changing and grabbing my phone from the bed

“Would you like me to come along?” she asks

“I think it might be better that you stay here”

“Ok see you later”

“Bye love. I will call you” I say and give her a hug

I quickly run down the stairs and everyone is still in the lounge

“Zayn where are you going?” Liam asks

“Oliver is in the hospital” I say and keep running

Gen’s POV

When I saw the worry on Zayn’s face I felt bad for him but knowing that he was really worried about his son is really touching.

I decide to go downstairs and join everyone

“Hey” I say and sit down next to Niall on the floor

“What happened with Oliver?” Harry asks

“He isn’t breathing or something so Perrie called Zayn and now he is heading over there” I reply

“Oh ok” Harry says while feeding Sandra some popcorn

Zayn’s POV

I drive as fast as I can to the hospital that they are at. I quickly park my car and run as fast as I can into the hospital

“Oliver Malik” I say puffing

“Room 371” the assistant says

“Thank you” I reply and quickly run into the elevator 

The elevator door opens and I quickly run and find the door that reads “371”

“Perrie is he ok” I say panting while running into the room. I find Oliver with tubes in his body and a mask around his mouth and nose

“The doctors just got his lungs working again and they are going to come back in 5 minutes to check on him” she says

“So how did this happen?” I ask

“I was feeding him dinner and then he suddenly fainted, so I panicked and called the ambulance and they came and check him and they said that he was unconscious so we went to the hospital and they gave him a shock to get his lungs working and if they don’t start working on their own, they he might need a transplant of some sort” she says sniffling and I can tell she was crying

“Come here” I say and pull her into a hug and she sobs into my chest

“Everything will be ok” I say while stroking her hair

“Come” I say and pull her by her hand and sit her on my lap on the couch near the hospital bed 

“Hey Olly, daddy’s here with mummy. You’re daddy’s brave boy and you will make it through, I promise” I say while holding one of Oliver’s hands

“Thanks for coming Zayn” Perrie says and looks at me

I just smile and give her a hug. Her right arm is against my chest and my two arms are around her and she is looking at Oliver

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