[Jiley] - I still love you

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Even though they had broken up the feelings were still there. They couldn't deny what they had.

James band was having a little party in the Lost & Found Music Studios and obviously all of the dancers were invited. But Riley wasn't sure if she would go or not. And if James didn't want her there? If she would break down in front of him? Because god, she missed him.

"Riley? Are you okay?" Piper said to her. "Oh, um Piper I didn't see you there.. what's up?" the blonde said smiling. "I just wanted to know if you are going to the party!" the girl said excited.

Piper had reasons to be exited, she had a plan to bring his brother together with Riley. But none of them knew.

"hum, I don't know Pipes maybe it's better if I-"

"No way you're gonna stay here all night alone! You're coming and end of this conversation" Piper said determined. The blonde looked at the petite girl. God, she looked so much like James.

After a few seconds she nodded and said "Okay Pipes I'll go but I will only be there for two hours, okay?"
The girl nodded and walked away.

A few hours later.

James was drinking a juice when he saw her entering. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was so beautiful. And she was wearing the red dress he had offered to her on her birthday.

"Man, take your eyes off of her! You look like a dog looking at his food" Theo said to him. He just blushed.

Piper saw her brother looking at Riley and at that moment she knew it was the moment to put her plan in action. So she sent a message to James.

Piper: James could you please meet me at the closet on studio B?

James❤: Of course I can but is everything okay?

Piper: Don't even worry about it

Then she sent the same thing to Riley.


James arrived in the closet and when he entered he saw her.
The blonde froze when she saw him, all she wanted to do was kiss him but she knew she couldn't.
Then, they heard the door being locked. And then they looked at each other.
"Piper" they said at the same time.

There was a strange silence between them during some minutes but Riley finally spoke,
"Listen James, I know you're mad at me and you have the totally right to be but you know that I love you. Alfie was a big mistake.." the blonde said with tears on her eyes.
"You hurt me like no one else ever did, and what hurts the most is that I still love you after all" James said looking at her, only inches apart from each other.
Then, she broke the distance between them and kissed him, putting her hands on his neck. She was on her tip toes so he put his hands on her waist and lifted her up, pulling both of them on the sofa.

After what all of us know what

"I love you" she said to him.
"I love you more babygirl, and by the way you looked beautiful on that dress"

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