[Jiley] - She's mine

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Today was Emily's wedding and the day was almost over.

"What would you like to drink?" the employee said to the girls. "Wine I think" Stephanie said and all the girls nodded. "I want a juice please" Riley said, the girls smiled at her because they knew why she was drinking that. The employee smiled and winked his eye to Riley.

"Omg Riley! Did you see it? That hottie is with his eyes on you!" Michelle said. "I don't care, I don't want to talk about boys.." The blonde said a little bit sad. "Sorry love, I didn't mea-" "It's fine" she said with a small smile.

"I don't like that boy" James said to Eldon and West. "Me neither man, he's looking at Riley since the beginning" West said looking at the young boy. "I know man... I know that me and Riley are not together anymore but I will always love and protect her and this guy... I don't know man he doesn't seem right" the tall boy said looking at the boy serving the girls.

Suddenly, Emily went to the middle of the dance floor and grabbed the mic. "Hey everyone, I hope you all are enjoying my wedding as much as I am! Thanks for coming guys, it means the world to me." Em said with tears on her eyes. "Well, I'm not here to cry!" she said giggling, everyone laughed. "I want all the single ladies to come here to see who grabs the bouquet and maybe gets married next" she said in a joking way.

All of the girls were there including Riley. She didn't want to do this because if she grabbed the bouquet it would be awkward to look at James. It would be like oh hey I grabbed the bouquet and maybe I won't get married with you but yes with another guy. Maybe she was exaggerating but it was how she felt.

"Ready girls?" Emily said looking at the girls. "Yeah!" they all said excited. Then, she threw the bouquet and it fell in Riley's hands. "Oh my god" it was all she could say. "Little sis, I can't believe it!!" Em said hugging the little blonde.

"I need to catch some air" Riley said to her sister. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I just need to think" the small girl said. "Okay if you need something just say okay?" Em said giving a kiss on Riley's head.

The small blonde came outside and sat down on a small bench near the pool. Her head was about to explode. This bouquet could mean nothing but why was her so worried about it? Maybe this could mean something? Maybe it could mean nothing?
But then she heard someone. And that someone was the last person she wanted to see.

"Are you okay?" James said sitting beside her. She stood up and started walking to the middle of the garden trying to avoid him. "Are you going to ignore me forever?" he said.
She stopped and looked back. "I'm not in the mood to talk" she said trying to not make eye contact. "Are you going to say that the bouquet didn't mean nothing to you?" James said walking closer to her. "It was just a bouquet" she said with tears on her face. "Oh just a bouquet so why are you like this?" he said looking at the girl in front of him.

"You know what? I'm like this because I love you okay? I love you with all my heart and I will always love you no matter what. For me you are perfect, every girls dream. And I was able to call you mine and now I'm not. Seeing you with other girls kills me inside but I can't do nothing about it. You were my first love and I wished you were my last" she said but their little moment was cut off by Hunter calling them.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but we are serving champagne to close this wedding so if you would like to come inside.." , "Oh sorry Hunter we're coming just a sec" James said, he nodded.

"We better get going" she said. "Ri.. I love you too" he said looking at her eyes. "With the band, with the studio... there's no space for us James. We'll just hurt each other again" Ri said and walked inside. "Fuck" he said to himself. He lost her.

They were serving the champagne and the guy who had winked his eye at Riley served the girls. But this time he had put a pill on Riley's drink so she would get sleepy and he would make his move. Because after all he only wanted her body. That girl was hot as hell!


"I'm not feeling very well I'm going to the toilets" the blonde said to her vbest friend. "Okay Ri, if you need something just call okay?" Michelle said smiling at her. "Don't worry" the blonde said.

The small girl arrived at the toilets and felt dizzy so she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. Then, she felt someone entering into the toilets so she opened her eyes. "Hey pretty girl" The guy said to her. "This is the girls' toilets you can't be here" she said trying to not faint. "You are gorgeous" the guy said putting his hands on her waist and kissing her neck. "Stop please..." she said trying to get away from him but she was weak. Everything started spinning but she was trying her hardest to not faint.
She felt a hand on her tights almost on her panties, her dressed started to climb up but then someone entered in the toilets.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" James said taking the young boy off of Riley, giving him a fist in the face. And then he turned around and Riley was about to fall but he catched her. "James.. help.. me please... I can't loose him"  "What? Ri loose what?" "I'm.. p..pregnan-" but she couldn't finished because she fell asleep on his arms. James turned around to the young boy and said, "What the fuck did you give her? If I loose her or my son because of you, you are so DONE!" "It's nothing t-to worry about she is only sleeping I pr-promise".

James ignored him and took Riley to his car putting her in the passenger seat and texting Michelle saying thar Riley was with him. "You're gonna be okay baby, and little baby" he said putting his hands on Riley's abdomen.


They arrived home and James put Riley on their bed and took her clothes off. He dressed her with one of his hoodies and then he put himself on the bed next to her. "Good night babygirl" he said kissing her cheek.

In the middle of the night she woke up, and remembered everything. She saw James shirtless with only his boxers next to her. She blushed. She was so in love with him.. "I love you" she whispered on his ear, cuddling on his chest.
"And I love you and our baby" he said kissing her on the lips.


happy new year guys♡

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