[Jiley] - Surprise

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Riley's POV

James has been on tour with the band for 2 months now and I miss him so much...I've never been away from him this much... He isn't here to protect me, to call me babygirl, and to sleep with me at night anymore..
The good part is that he has two shows this weekend here and I can finally see him.

I have to look good for him because there is going to have a lot of crazy girls wanting my boy and that's not gonna happen. So I decided to bought a black dress who shows a lot of my cleavage.

 So I decided to bought a black dress who shows a lot of my cleavage

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"Rii!! Are you ready?" Em said from the kitchen. "Yes sis, I'm coming" I said giving a last look on the mirror.
I arrived in the kitchen and Emily was looking at me like I was some kind of angel or something like that.."Hello? Em?" , "Sis, you look stunning" Em said turning me around. "Thank you big sis" I said giving her a hug. "No funny business tonight!!" she said in a joking way, I just blushed.

Two hours later
Riley's POV

We arrived at the concert and all I could see was girls, girls and girls! This row seemed to never end."Oh my god, I can't believe we're gonna meet James!! I just hope he is single!" a girl said to another. Well.. I'm really sorry I'm gonna break their dreams. "Hey girls! I was hearing your conversations and I couldn't help but talk with you guys.. I'm so sorry to say this to you guys but James has already a girlfriend" , "Omg, who??" they said really excited. "Well, actually sh-" 

 But then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see a security, I was so confused. "Good evening, is this James's girlfriend? Riley?" "Y-Yes I am, how can I help you?" I said a little bit confused. James asked me to come here and get you" he said. I just nodded I couldn't believe what was happening. On the way to the backstage all I heard was girls screaming... And then I saw the two girls looking at me.. well, I think this answered their question.

When I arrived backstage the security said to go to James's changing room so I went. I knocked in the door and I finally saw my sexy boyfriend.
"Hey gorgeous" he said lifting me up. "I missed you so much baby" I said hugging him . "I missed you too babygirl, did you like your special treatment?" he said playing with my hair. "I loved it, thank you" I said giving him a kiss on the lips. "Well, don't you look sexy on that dress.." he said with a smirk. "Well you can see me without it if you want later tonight.." , "I can't wait babe" he said.

The end of the concert
James's POV

"Thank you so much Toronto!!" Luke said to the public. "Hm, actually we're not done yet.. I would like to have my beautiful girlfriend on stage please" I said looking at my petite girl. When she was near me I put her closer to me and then I started, "Well, if you guys don't know yet, this is my beautiful girlfriend... we've been together for 4 years now and she has totally changed my life for the best. She is everything I have ever asked for.. she is the one that I want to share my life with, she is the one who I want to have a family with, she's the first girl I want to see in the morning and the last one to see at night, so.." I said getting in one knee. "Riley, will you marry me?" I said, more nervous than never. "Of course I will marry you, you idiot" she said with tears on her eyes. I lifted her up and turned her around kissing her. She makes me the happiest man alive. All the girls were screaming but I didn't care because the only girl I really cared about was finally mine forever.

At the hotel room
James's POV

We were in our room and I was playing with Riley's hair until she started to move closer to me, and was finally on top of me. We were both in our underwear so I reached her back and uncliped her bra, caressing her breasts. "I've been waiting for this for so long" she said moaning a little.

I ran my hands over her stoft skin that I adore and missed so much.  She bit her lip giggling. "You're beautiful babe" I smirked, giving her kisses. 

"I want you baby" Riley said.
"So do I"

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