[Jiley] - Do you love me?

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After the qualifer duet James decided to go back to London. He wasn't doing nothing here, right?

James was already in the plane. He didn't know what time was it but every minute that passed all he had on his mind was her.
After everything she has done, he still loved her. Maybe she loved him too, but she wasn't clearly showing him that.

Emily's words were still on his head.
"Don't give up on her, please" she said to him after the qualifer duet. He didn't want to give up on her but maybe it was the best.

James was on his phone seeing some photos until one photo came to the screen. It was a photo of him and Riley after one of those nights where James would make love to Riley all night.
He didn't know why but he sent the photo to her, he knew nothing would change but he just sent it.

The blonde was in her house watching a film, but she wasn't really paying attention to it. Riley had no longer a "crush" on Alfie, she knew that this was such a huge mistake but she only realized that when James was already on a plane to London.
She received a message so she went to see who it was.

James💛 sent you a photo.

Her heart was beating so hard that she could feel it. She opened the message and saw the photo. When she saw the photo she remembered everything. She remembered every touch, every kiss, every promise, every word they had said that night. She didn't answer back she just went to her bedroom and started packing.

After 1 hour she was done packing so she called Emily.
"Hey sis, what's up?" Emily said. "Hum, Em I'm going to London" , "You're going to what??" Emily said very shocked. "Yes Em you heard it, I'm going to London I need to talk with James.. the studio is closed for christmas break and yeah I have to do this.." , "Good luck lil sis, always here for you" , "Thanks Em, I'll call you soon" the blonde hung up and went to the airport.

London, 11:50pm

The petite blonde arrived in London and was now in front of James's hotel, she called Eldon and West to know where they were and they told her the address. She entered in the hotel and asked for James room. "Good night, could you please tell me James Flanagan's room?" , "Are you from his family?" , "I'm James's girlfriend" she told to the young woman, it was a lie but it was for a good reason. "Room 325" the young lady said with a small smile. "Thank you" Riley said.

She knocked in the door and waited. After 1 minute or so he finally opened the door. He was only in his boxers and his hair was all messy and cute, she woke him up. "What are you doing here?" he said letting her in.

"Sorry to wake you up but I needed to talk with you... why did you send me that photo?" she said looking at him in the eyes. "I don't know, maybe because I was missing you?" he said putting his hands on his hair. "Listen, I know I messed up okay? And I know that coming here just because of a photo won't change nothing but I needed to see you" she said giving a step closer to him. He just leaned in and kissed her, a really long kiss. Something they hadn't done for a long time.

"Let me doing something to you" he said. "What?" she said looking at his eyes searching for an answer. "You trust me right?" she just nodded.

He picked her in bridal style and put her on his bed. He took his shirt off and then put himself on top of her. Kissing her. It was now just him and her.

After some minutes they were both on their underwear and James started to touch her sides and kissing her neck

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After some minutes they were both on their underwear and James started to touch her sides and kissing her neck. "James please just do what you wanna do" the blonde said.

James took his boxers off and her panties and then he took her bra off but she held it. He put her on his lap and said on her ear "C'mon baby let me see" he said kissing her chest. She let the bra fall and finally he did what he wanted to do a long time ago.

 She let the bra fall and finally he did what he wanted to do a long time ago

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Next morning

Riley was sleeping beside James, clearly tired of the night they had together.
James was already woken up, just watching the petite girl sleeping. It was 9:40am, it was time to get up so he started to touch her back gently trying to wake her up.

"Good morning babygirl" he said with his masculine voice she has always loved to hear

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"Good morning babygirl" he said with his masculine voice she has always loved to hear. "Good morning baby" she said putting herself as much closer to him as she could. 
"Are you tired?" James asked moving a piece of  hair to behind her ear. "A little" she said giggling. "You know, I'm really good at this" the tall boy said with a smirk. "Ahaha so funny" she said giving him a little snap on the face. "Oh and do you open you door in boxers to your friends?" the blonde said. "Baby, it was midnight" he said putting his hands on her waist. "You can only be on boxers with me, okay?" she said giving him a kiss on the lips, he nodded giving her a kiss on the nose. "Now, let's clean you up baby" he said picking her up and going with her to the bathroom of the hotel.

After having shower James was waiting for Riley to take her out for lunch. "Riley, c'monnnn you're beautiful no matter what" James said annoyed because he was waiting for 20minutes for Riley to choose an outfit.

"I'm ready, we can go" she said walking out of the bathroom and going to the door. "Aren't you coming?" she said with a confused look. "Wow" was all James could say. She was so beautiful. She was wearing a short black dress that highlighted her curves. "Well I guess we have to repit last night.." James said.

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