[Trittany] - It's always been you

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Sunday Morning

It was a normal sunday morning on their lives. Waking up next to each other and living their lives together.

"Morning" he said to the petite blonde next to him. "Morning babe" she said touching his abs. "What do you want to do today princess?" "I really needed to do some shopping.." she said putting herself on top of him. "I hate shopping Britt, you know that" he said putting his hands on her butt.

"C'mon, I reward you tonight" she said with a smirk. "How can I say no, right?" he said kissing her neck and running his hands on her sides. "Trev, stop" she said trying not to moan. "Okay, okay! Let's get ready"


"Britt! You already bought like 50 things! Can we go lunch? I'm starving" "Okay, sorry babe" she said kissing his cheek. "On the cheek? Seriously?" "Ugh, fine" she said giggling. "Much better" he said. "We can go luc-" "HEY TREV!!!" someone said behind them. They turned around and they couldn't believe who it was.

"Darian?!" Trevor said a little bit shocked. "Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in ages!" she said hugging him.

The blonde was watching them, a little bit confused and a little bit confused.

"I'm meeting my friend at the cinema so I can't talk now but if you don't mind I would love to go to your house to talk a little bit if that is okay?" she said ignoring the blonde beside her. "I'd love to!" Trevor said. "Awesome! See you at 5pm!" she said hugging him one last time. "Bye!" he said.

The blonde didn't know what to say. This girl had damaged her day. "Can we go home?" she said to him, trying to not make eye contact. "Home? What about lunch?" he said more confused than ever. "I'm not hungry anymore" she said going to the parking lot. He just followed her, what had he done?"


"Britt, what's wrong with you?" he said grabbing her arm. "What's wrong with me? Your ex-girlfriend just invited herself to come to OUR house and you said yes without even asking me!! Now, I will have to hear her all evening! You didn't even think of me! Would you like to have my ex-boyfriend here?! Seriously" she said going to their room, locking herself there.

He didn't know what to say or do. Maybe she was right but she didn't need to be angry, he only had eyes for her...

His phone rang so he went to answer. "Hello?" "Hey Trev, it's Darian" she said happily on the phone. "Oh hey, what's up?" "I'm in front of your apartment! I know it isn't 5pm but I left the cinema earlier" "Oh it's okay, come in". He hung up the phone and went to their bedroom, fortunately she had unlocked the door. "Britt, she's coming.. can you come to the living room?" he said carefully, not wanting to cause another fight.

She passed for him without saying a word but he grabbed her arm and put her close to him. "I love you. Nothing is going to change that, okay?" he said looking down at her. "I love you too" she said giving him a little kiss on the lips.

Then, they heard a knock on the door and he went to open it. "Hey! Come in! Let's go to the living room, Britt's there" he said to the girl.

"Hey Britt! I haven't seen you in ages" she said to the blonde hugging her. "Me neither..hm.. how are you?" "I'm good thanks! What a nice apartment you two have!" she said looking around her.

During the evening they (well, mostly Darian and Trevor) talked about everything. The girl was practically just there, hearing them. She wasn't really hearing them, sometimes she was on her little world, thinking if they hadn't gone to the shopping this morning, in this exact moment they could be on the sofa watching a movie together.

She was on her little world until she heard something. "Remember the promise ring you gave when we were 15? I still have it" Darian said to Trevor, taking it out of her bag. "Oh..uhm.. that's cool, I gu-guess" he said a little bit nervous. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have brought her here.

The blonde stood up from the couch and ran to the front door, leaving the house in tears. He went after her but it was already too late. "Shit" he said to himself. "Uhm, it's better if I leave.. I didn't want to screw up nothing.." "It's okay.. but it's better if you go, I need to resolve this" he said running his hands on his hair. She nodded.


"Vic?" the blonde said on the phone. "Britt? What's wrong girl?" "Can I go to your house? I really need to talk" she said crying. "Of course you can! See you in a bit" Vic said to her, already worried.

After a long ride to Victoria's house she finally arrived. She knocked on the door and she was immediately received with a hug from one of her best friends. "Come in doll, you'll be okay"

They went to Victoria's room to have more privacy and to Brittany finally tell Vic about what was bothering her.

"Girl, you're making me nervous! What happened?" Vic said trying to find answers on her eyes. "So, this morning.." during an hour the blonde told everything to her best friend. "What am I going to do now?" she said to Victoria who had a soft smile on her face.

"You are just hurt baby, I'm sure Darian didn't say that on purpose" "I don't know nothing Vic, the last thing I want right now is to see him" the blonde said with her hands on her head. "Sorry to say this but you do know that tomorrow we have rehearsal for the tour right?" "I know.. oh my gosh why is this happening to me" "Calm down Britt, tonight you stay here with me and tomorrow we'll see okay?"

The blonde agreed and smiled to her best friend. "Thank you Vic, what would I do without you?" "I'm the best I know" they both laughed. "But you need to tell him, he's probably worried" Vic said to her, she was right. "I'll text him" she said grabbing her phone.

To Trev❤🔥:

I'm at Vic's. Don't worry about me. See you tomorrow at rehearsals.

From Trev❤🔥:

See you tomorrow princess, love you always. xx

She saw the text and smiled to herself, how could she not love him...but she couldn't forget what happened.


At rehearsals

The two girls arrived to the place where they had rehearsals and the blonde immediately saw him at the door, probably waiting for her.

"He's there" Britt said to Vic. "I know, you gotta talk with him love" Vic said putting his hand on her shoder. The blonde took a deep breath and nodded. She had to do this sooner or later.

"Good Morning Trev" Vic said. "Morning Vic" he said looking at the petite girl beside Victoria. "I'm going to leave you two alone, see you guys in a bit" "See ya Vic" Trevor said smiling at her.

"Now us" Trevor said to the beauty in front of him. "Listen Britt, she doesn't mean nothing to me okay? Of course I care about her but only as friends! Jesus Britt, I've never loved anyone like I love you! And it kills me to know that because of this shit you're probably going to break up with me and find someone else to make you happy and just the thought of another man touching yo-" but he was cut off by her kissing him.

"You make me the happiest girl alive, I just got jealous baby... I love you with all my heart" she said putting her forehead against his.

"I love you too babygirl, nothing will ever break what you have, I promise"


Hey guys!

Just realised that Season 4 will end first in Portugal than Canada!! Yeah, in Portugal we don't have mid season breaks and episodes air Mondays to Thursdays every week! So episode 40 will air on March 16! So excited!


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