[Jiley] - Parties

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"Michelle, I'm not in the mood for parties" Riley said to her best friend who was standing in front of her with a disappointed look on her face.

"C'mon Ri! There's going to be a lot of hot guys there" Michelle said trying to convince her.

"You just want to see John" Ri said seeing a small smile on her face. "Ok fine I'll go with you.." the blonde finally said and her best friend started to hug her like there was no tomorrow.

"Where's the party?" The blonde asked while searching for a dress.

"Oh..uhm.. James's house" Michelle said softly. 

"You're kidding right?!" She said dropping her dress on the floor. James and Riley broke up last week and the little girl couldn't see him..

"Riley, I know you don't want to see him but you and him can't avoid each other forever" Michelle said with a serious look.

She was right. She knew it was going to be hard to see him but she had to be strong and move forward.

This was going to be a hell of a night.


The girls arrived at James's house at around 10:30pm and the house was already full of people.

They adjusted their dresses and entered in the house. The blonde girl knew it was going to be hard but she didn't know it was going to be this hard.

She hadn't even seen James yet and she was already having flashbacks.

Those times when James's parents weren't at home on weekends and she would come here and spend the night with him.. sleeping with him was one of her favourites things. It made her feel safe and at home.

"Ri, you okay?" Michelle said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine" she lied. "I'm going to try find John.. if you need something just call me, okay?" She said sweetly. The blonde nodded.

The girl was feeling slightly depressed so she started to drink.

"Isn't that girl James's ex-girlfriend?" One boy whispered to another one.

"Yeah man.. She's hot! But I won't touch her.. James would kill us and you know that" the blonde one said.

"I don't even care man.. I've been waiting for this moment for way too long" the taller one said and made his way to her.

He saw the blonde and touched her shoulder grabbing her attention.

"Hey.. what are you doing here? You're way too pretty to be alone" he said putting his hands on her waist.

The blonde was already a little bit drunk but she still knew what she was saying.

"Hm.. who are you? Have we met before?" She asked removing his hands from her waist.

"I'm one of James's friends.. wanna drink something?" he asked.

Just hearing James's name made her heart hurt and there's nothing like a drink to forget right?

She nodded and he gave her a drink. And another. And another.

Until she was fully drunk.

"Wanna go upstairs baby?" he asked with his hands on her thighs.

She didn't even answer he grabbed her hand and took her to one bedroom.

He started to undress her and touch her everywhere.

"Please stop.." she said with tears on her eyes. "Shh baby you'll like it" he said on her ear.


"Have you seen Riley?" James said to one of his friends.

"I saw her going upstairs with David I think? She was pretty drunk man.. The worse can be happening right now with your girl" he said to James.

James didn't even think twice, he ran upstairs shoving everyone who were passing him.

He heard someone screaming from his bedroom and he ran to it and opened the door seeing something he wished he would never see.

He grabbed the boy by his shirt, thank god he was still dressed and gave him a fist on the face and another one on the stomach.

"Stay away from her or I'll kill you" he said. The boy nodded and ran away from his house.

James looked at his bed and saw the little girl. "Shit" he said to himself.

"Ri? Riley, look at me" he said putting his hands on Riley's face removing her hair from her eyes. "You need to throw up baby, grab my neck" he said picking her up.

She threw up and then she grabbed James's arm and fell on his arms. "Don't leave me now please.." she said with tears on her eyes.

He didn't know if what she was saying was true because she was drunk but he wouldn't leave her for nothing in this world.

"Ri, you stay here and I'll be right back okay? Don't move" he said giving her a kiss on the head.

He made his way to the living room and it was still full of people.

"The party is over guys! Thanks for coming!" He said trying to sound happy and confident.

The house was slowly getting empty so he closed the doors and cleaned everything and finally made his way to Riley.

When he arrived at the bathroom she was sleeping against the wall. He picked her up and put her on his bed.

He took off her clothes and then layed down beside her... it had been way too long since this had happened.



The girl woke up and felt a hand around her waist and hot breath on her head. It was him.

She remembered everything. Everything. If it wasn't him she didn't know what would have happened to her. And she also realised how much in love she was with him.

"Good morning princess" he said still half sleeping. "Hey" she said sweetly.

"You're okay?" he asked looking at her eyes. "Yeah.. thank you for yesterday" she said while putting herself on top of him.

"I would do anything for you" he said.
"Are we..you know.. back together?" She said blushing.

"Do you want to?" He said while playing with her hair. "I'm fucking in love with you! Of course I want to!" She said kissing him on the lips.


He kissed back and after 5 minutes they were fully making out. "Ri- Riley.. calm down... I want this too but we have to wait okay?" He said sweetly.

She nodded. "Breakfast?" He said getting up from the bed.

The little girl blushed. He was only wearing his boxers.

He laughed, she was adorable.


She was cooking their breakfast while he was leaned on the wall watching her. She was with only his shirt cooking. She had never looked sexier.

They were eating and she was always on her phone.
"Baby? What's up?" He said looking at her phone.

"This guy is always texting me since we broke up.. it's annoying" she said locking her phone.

He grabbed her phone and texted him saying,
Hey, this is Riley's boyfriend... stop annoying ma girl or you'll regret it! Xo

He sent it and then he leaned in and kissed her picking her up by the waist and went to his bedroom.

He put himself on top of her kissing her chest and neck.

"I thought you wanted to wait?" She said giggling. "I'm gonna show you how much I love you" he said. "Someone's jealous I see" she said kissing back, ready to show him too how much she loved him.

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