[Trittany] - Finally

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Today was the first rehearsal for the TNS live on stage tour. They were excited but the most excited was Trevor. The other tour was good but now Brittany was here and he couldn't be more excited.

"Hey bro, you good?" Isaac asked to Trevor giving him a "bro" hug. "I'm good thanks man" he said. "Is everyone here?" Trevor asked going to Jordan's side. "So today we're going to start with the duets" Jordan said. "We have Vic & Isaac, Shelby & Isaiah, Me & Lamar, Briar & Myles and Trevor & Brittany." she said. "All of us are going to different rooms to have more privacy." Trevor said.

Everyone went to different rooms and started rehearsing. "Do you have something in mind?" Brittany asked drinking a bit of her water. "Yeah, I think we should do something like the duet in season 4" he said searching for a song. "Which duet?" the blonde said going next to him. "The Jiley/Ralfie dance but this time only Jiley dance you know" he said giving her a smirk. "Oh really? The Ralfie dance was so much better! At least he never dropped me" she said in a joking way.

He looked at her. "You're so done" he said picking her up by is shoulder. "Trev!! Put me down!!" she said laughing. "Who's better then?" "Fine! It's you" she said. He put her down but he was still close to her.

They looked at each other and the unexpexted happened. They kissed. The kiss was short but sweet. "Sorr-" they said at the same time. "We should do a break" she said going to the main room.

It was 1pm so they decided to have lunch. The girls were as usual together. "So how is the duet going?" Victoria asked to Brittany while eating her meal. "Hm.. it's going great" the small blonde said smiling trying to avoid questions. "Are you ok?" Jordan said. These girls knew her way too much. "Something happened but please don't scream or anything like that ok?" they all nodded.

"When we were rehearsing me and Trevor started joking about the Jiley and Ralfie situation and he picked me up by his shoulder and when he put me down with just..kissed" she said putting her hands on her face.

"Omg that's so amazing" they all said super happy. "You guys are kidding right?" she said looking at them. "C'mon Britt! This was going to happen sooner or later" Vic said. "It's so obvious that you like him!" Briar said giggling. "Ok maybe a little.." she said blushing. "But I know he doesn't like me" "Don't say that!! If he didn't like you he wouldn't have kissed you" Shelby said. "Let's forget this" Britt said looking at the boys.


"I thought if we did a lift here it would be better" Trevor said to Brittany. "Yeah it would" the small girl said trying to avoid eye contact. "Britt, we need to talk, you're different with me" "I'm just tired okay?" "No you're not tired, talk with me" he said getting closer to her. "I'm not ready to talk about this ok? I'm going home" she said. "You can't avoid me forever especially because tomorrow is my brother's wedding remember?" "Of course I remember! He invited me!"

The tall boy smiled at her. She was cute when she was angry. "See you tomorrow princess" he said giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking away. If he only knew what she was feeling right now...

•Next Morning•

"Steven, where's my perfume?" Trevor asked already getting on his nerves. "Which one? Britt's favorite?" Steven said joking. "Man seriously" he said leaning against the wall. "Whetever I talk about her you look different man, wait.. no way! You like her!" Steven said laughing at him. "Stop man, this is not funny" he said with his hands on his head. "This was going to happen later or sooner, you guys like each other since you met" Steven said. "Bro, we kissed yesterday and now she is always avoiding me! I texted her last night and she hasn't replied yet" "You need to give her time, you know how women are" "Thanks man" Trev said giving Steven a bro hug.

"Vic, do I look okay?" Britt said. "You look beautiful! Can we go now? It's getting late" Vic said looking at the her watch. Britt nodded.

They knocked on the door and Trev's mom opened the door to them. "Hey beauties, thanks for coming" she said with the sweetest smile. "They are in the living room" she said to the girls. "Thank you" they said.
They went to the living room and then Nathan came to greet them. "Hey girls! Thanks for coming to my special day" "You're welcome, it's a pleasure" Britt said.

Later in the night•

They all were in the restaurant just talking about whatever they wanted. On Trevor's table were Steven, Victoria, Justine (trev's sister) and Brittany.  Steven noticed the climate between Trev and Britt so he decided to talk with her. "Britt can I talk with you?" Steven said to the blonde girl. She nodded.

They went to near the toilets to have more privacy. "So, what's up?" the small girl said very curious. "You guys can't avoid each other forever" Steven said to her. She blushed. He knew. "I like him Steven, a lot.. and I'm scared that this change our relationship" the blonde said with tears on her eyes. "Just let him try okay? He's crazy about you" Steven said wiping her tears. She nodded.

Nathan and his wife were slow dancing in the middle of the room and soon joined by other couples. Trevor decided to make his move. "Wanna dance?" he said to the gorgeous girl beside him. "Yes" she said. He was such a gentleman.

Her hands were on his neck and his hands were on her waist. "You look beautiful" he whispered on her ear. She blushed. She was too precious for his eyes.
Then she looked up to him and she couldn't help but fall in love with his smile. "Sorry for yesterday" "It's okay" he said putting a piece of her hair behind her ear.
Then he leaned in and kissed her. Everyone started clapping and cheering. They blushed. "Everyone is looking at us" she said putting her face on his chest.

"Britt? Will you be my girlfriend?" he said. "Of course I will you idiot" she said kissing him again.
"Finally" Steven said. Everyone laughed.


Merry Christmas ♡

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