[Jiley] - Drunk in love

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Michelle wanted Riley to have some fun and forget about the studio and the break up with James so she brought Riley to some pub in the city.

The two girls entered in the pub and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol were already in their bodies. Michelle asked for two drinks and offered one to the petite blonde. "This has alcohol?" the girl asked to Michelle. "Yes it has Riley but let's gonna have some fun tonight" Michelle said going to dance with some stranger.

The petite blonde started to think of James and how much she missed him so she just drank, drank and drank until she got drunk. After a while the girl felt the need to pee so she just warned Michelle that she was going to the toilets but Michelle seemed to didn't care.

Riley went to the toilets but there was a really large row of people to go to the toilets so she had to wait. She grabbed her phone and she went to James's contact. She decided to call him, she didn't know why but she was drunk anyway.

James was in his house that he used to share with Riley. He was on the couch watching TV but his head was thinking on her as always. His phone started to ring so he answered.
"Hello?" he said with his masculine voice. "Heyyyyy" she said more drunk than ever. "Riley? Are you okay?" , "I'm fantastic" , "Are you drunk Riley?" , "Me? Drunk? Puf, nope" she said as confident as she could be. "Riley, where are you?" , "I'm waiting to pee" , "No, which pub are you in?" , "I'm not gonna tell you" , "I'm coming" he said  leaving the petite blonde confused.

She didn't understand what he said but she started to feel sick so she went outside to get some fresh air. When she was outside  she felt someone touching her, touching her whole body and the worst is that she didn't know who it was. She tried to get away from him but she couldn't.

James saw that and then he ran to her and hit the boy on the face living blood on his face. "Don't you dare touch her again" the tall boy said. Then the blonde threw up on the ground and James grabbed her hair, put Riley just fell on his arms already fallen asleep. The boy picked her up bridal style and took her home with him.

They arrived home and James put her on his bed. He took her clothes off of her and dressed her up with one of his shirts. It was nothing he hasn't  seen before anyways.

The next morning the girl woke up not really knowing at the first sign where she was but then she recognized the room where she will always have memories from. She saw a pill on the bedside table with a cup of water and she decided to take it.
The boy left the bathroom with only a towel on his waist. She blushed.
"Good morning" he said. She couldn't speak, seeing him almost naked with his wet hair was too much for her, it brings up too much memories, but somehow she spoke. "Hey" she said. "Are you better?" he said sitting on the end of the bed. "Yes, thank you" she said. "Di-Did you change me up?" the girl said ashamed. "Someone had to" he said eating a bit of his breakfast. "Your clothes were full of vomit, and you hadn't clothes here so I dressed you up with one of my shirts because I know you like it". The blonde blushed knowing that he saw her naked.

"Where did you sleep?" she asked. The boy pointed to her side, which meant that he slept beside her. "Did w-we.. you know.." the blonde asked worried. "No" he simply said. "I wouldn't do that knowing you were drunk". The little girl smiled, he was so sweet.

"I'm sorry" the girl said. "I'm such a bitch, I broke up with you when you did nothing wrong, I broke your heart into million pieces, I called you drunk and you still cared about me and you are always there to protect me and help me when I need. I'm such the worst person on earth and the truth is that I'm 100% in love with you and all I want to do is kiss you right now and call you mine again and I-" but the blonde was cut off by James kissing her, just a little kiss nothing rude.

"I want to call you mine again and I love you too so much babygirl" he said putting a bit of her hair behind her ear.
The pair locked lips again but this time for a really, really long time.

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