[Jiley] - We can never be friends

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"You still like him! It's so obvious" Michelle said to Riley while watching the boys in the other side of the classroom.
"Michelle.. Can you shut up please? I'm over him" Riley said trying to convince herself that she was actually over him.

"You and him were like the best couple in this school! Now all the girls are over him" Michelle said looking at the boys who were talking with some girls from the class.
"Seriously Michelle, I'm done" Riley said leaving the classroom.

She knew they were the best couple in the school. She also knew she still liked him. But hear that from other people was just different. It hurt.

She was on her locker taking out some books she needed when she felt a hand on her waist. She immediately turned around to see who it was, and she couldn't believe it.

"What are you doing here?!" Riley said to her ex-boyfriend, Marcus. "Hey princess, good to see you" he said grabbing her waist. At this time, everyone was watching them.

"What do you want?" Riley said taking his hands of off her. "I heard you and Mr.James broke up.." he said making eye contact with James who was watching them from the other side of the hall.

"That's not your business. Now, if you don't have more questions can you leave me alone? Thank you" the petite blonde said sarcastically.

"Actually, I have one more question... are you going to John's party?" he asked. "I don't know and even if I will that's not your business" she said already getting annoyed.

"See you there beautiful, now that you don't have James to protect you it'll be just me and you" he whispered on her ear.

Everyone was looking at her. She was the most popular girl in this school and everyone knew everything about her except who was this boy.

James was the only one who knew about this boy. James was the only one who saved Riley from this boy. Riley and Marcus dated a few years ago, maybe 4 years ago. Their relationship was completely abusive. Riley had to do everything he wanted, until one time. One time Marcus tried to abuse Riley and fortunately James was there.

During the two years James and Riley dated James always protected her from him. Marcus always had fear for James. Everyone has. But now that James and Riley aren't dating he can do whatever he wants.

"This isn't happening..." she mumbled to herself with tears on her eyes. The petite blonde ran to the exit of the school, leaving everyone with confused looks on their faces.

James saw the little girl crying and ran after her. "Riley! Wait" he said grabbing her arm.

"Want do you want?" she said wiping her tears. "What did he want? I swear if he touches you I-" "You nothing James! We're not together anymore remember? Don't need to worry about me" she said trying to sound as confident as she could.

"You know what? Fine! I don't know what I'm doing here waisting my time with you! I can have all the girls I want and I'm here with you!"

The blonde was looking at him completely speechless. This wasn't the guy she had fallen in love with.

"Oh.. you don't need to be here, I didn't call you, did I? You can go to your friends. I hope one of them make you the happiest man alive like you made me the happiest girl alive." she said with her voice cracking.

"Riley, I didn't m-"but he wasn't able to end the sentence because it was already too late, she was gone.


"You look hot girl!" Michelle said to her best friend. "Yeah, whatever" the small blonde said, not really caring what Michelle was saying. She didn't want to go but this party was in John's house and Michelle had a huge crush on him so she had to go with her best friend.

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