[Jiley] - Do you love me? pt.2

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Toronto • Studio A

James had finished band practise so he went to Studio A to see if Riley was ready to go home.
When he arrived to her office she wasn't there so he decided to text her.

To Riley❤😏: Hey babe, where are you? x

From Riley❤😏: I'm in Studio B talking with Amy and Sloane, I'm there in 10m xox

He had to wait for her so he sat in one of the benches, then he heard steps so he turned around in hope to see his girlfriend. "Finally baby I'm s-" but he stopped talking when he saw him. "What are you doing here?" James said getting up from the benches. "Oh, hey James how have you been?" Alfie said with a big smile. "What do you want?" James said coldly.  "I just wanted to talk with you... about her" the small boy said with confidence.

James laughed. He was so comic. "Oh right. You came here to talk about her? Oh she's really good you know with her boyfriend" James said sarcastically. Alfie seemed scared, but he couldn't show that. "You really think just because you were her first boyfriend you will be the last". James laughed again. "If I were you I would go home and cry on my mommy's shoulder because you are a totally loser. I'm not just her first boyfriend. I'm her first boyfriend, kiss, date and one thing that gives me the privilege to call her mine" he said with a smirk at the end.

Alfie just turned around and left the studio. He had no change with that girl..

After 10m Riley came to the Studio with a confused look on her face. "James what happened? Alfie seemed mad when he passed by me" , "Don't even worry about it" James said kissing her forehead.

James's parents house

"James, how are you? Oh my gosh Riley you are so beautiful" Deborah said hugging both James and Riley.

"Super is almost ready, you guys can go to the dinning room, Piper and Max are there" James's mom said. "Okay mom thank you" James said kissing his mom's cheek. 

They entered in the dinning room and they saw James's father with Piper and Max. Max has a really big crush on Riley, he is only 7 years old but he adores her with all his heart. Riley finds that cute but James doesn't.

"Rileyyyy" Max said jumping to Riley's arms. "Hey little man, how have you been?" Riley said kissing his little cheek. "I'm good, I missed you so much" the little boy said hugging her. "Oh Max I missed you too! You're so big" the blonde said putting him on the ground.

The couple greeted James's father and Piper and then they had dinner. "So Riley, how is the studio going?" Deborah asked. "Thanks for asking, it's going pretty good actually" Riley said smiling. "Oh I didn't ask you, how was London?" Deborah said. "It was awesome" James said to his mother. "Well, is my grandson coming?" James's father said. Both James and Riley choked with the food and started coughing. "Dad! No it's not coming" James said trying to act as cool as he could. "It was just a question" James's father said. "Well who wants dessert?" Deborah said trying to change the subject.

Everyone wanted dessert so Deborah went to the kitchen to get the desserts.
James put his hand on Riley's tight and started to go higher almost to her panties. "James, not here" Riley said trying not to moan. "I'm dying to kiss you" James said on her ear. Riley just closed her eyes trying to focus. His hand was still there.

"Mom I'm going to show Riley something upstairs we'll be back in some minutes" James said, holding Riley's hand and going to his old bedroom.
When they arrived at the room James closed the door and grabbed Riley's waist starting to kiss her. "Hey, you just had dinner are you that hungry?" Riley said putting her hands behind his neck. "I'm always starving for you" James said kissing her lips gently.

Riley looked around her. So many good memories in this room. "Hey James do you remember our first time? It was here" Riley said putting her head on his chest. "Of course I do baby, since that day I can call you mine and only mine" the tall boy said kissing her forehead.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes until James finally spoke,
"We better get going, my mom is waiting for us to eat dessert". Riley nodded.

They ate dessert and chatted for a little bit. "Well it's getting late so we're going home" James said to his mom. "Okay, thank you for coming guys" Deborah said giving a hug to them. "Bye Pipes, bye Max" James said. Max hugged Riley almost in tears. "Hey little man don't cry, I'll be back soon ok?" Riley said kissing his cheek. "Promise?" he said crying a little bit. "Promise" she said.


"James why are you jealous?" the blonde asked him while watching him getting dressed. "I'm not jealous" James said going to the bed next to Riley. "Oh yeah you are" Riley said cuddling oh his chest. "You don't need to be jealous of your brother, he's 7!" the small girl said. James just kissed her hair and whispered on her ear "I love you princess" , "I love you too" she said

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