[Jiley] - Don't leave me

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Riley's POV

This days have been the worst days of my whole life.

James and I have stopped talking to each other because of Alfie. I was so stupid.. how could I treat James like that? But the truth is that he left me and I still didn't accept that... and maybe I will never accept that. This past few days I've been feeling really sick and tired... maybe I got the flu or something like that.

"Hey sis, how are you? Feeling better?" Emily said, sitting in a chair near me.

"I just threw up again and I'm feeling like dying" I said putting my hands on my face, "I just wanted James to cuddle with me.." I said dropping a small tear.

"Oh Riley don't cry.. you've been so strange lately.. you're always throwing up and you're always tired of doing nothing.. what's up Riley?" Emily said looking at me, I knew I couldn't hide this from her.. she would find out sooner or later.

"I'm going to tell you but you aren't going to tell this to James, okay?" , "You're pregnant, aren't you?" Emily said seriously. "How do y-you know?" I said with a worried look. "C'mon! You're my sister" , "Em.. tell me..." , "Okay I went to your bathroom and I saw the pregnancy test on the sink" she said to me with a sympathetic look.

"Em.. what am I going to do now?" I said crying my eyes out.

"Don't even worry about it" Em said hugging me.

A few days later.

James's POV

I was at the Lost & Found Music Studios when I saw Emily entering.

"Hey Em, what brought you here?" I said hugging her. "Hey James, I came here because I really need to talk with you" she said very serious. "Okay.. about what?" I said, praying that it wasn't what I was thinking.

"Hm.. about Riley" she said, "If you came here to talk about her I've already said everything to her" I said a little bit annoyed.
"Listen James, this is serious! RILEY'S PREGNANT!!" , "sh-she's what?" I said a little bit speechless.
"She's pregnant James.. do you know what that means right? She needs you more than anything, but who needs you the most it's your son" Em said putting her hand on my shoulder. I still couldn't believe that I was going to be a dad.

"But how is she pregnant? We haven't done it since I went to Lo-" and then it hit me. We forgot.
"How could we, oh gosh what am I going to do? If only that prince weren't here I would be the happiest man alive knowing that my girlfriend is pregnant" I said putting my hands on my face.
"James, Riley regrets everything she's made... but please don't let her do this alone" Em said giving me a last hug and walked off.

A few hours later.
@ at the studio// James's POV

I entered in the office and she was sleeping on the chair, I didn't want to wake her up so I put her on my arms and I went to the car so we could go home.

We arrived home and I went to our bedroom. I took her clothes off of her and put her with one of my shirts because I thought she would be more comfortable with it.

I decided to sleep with her because if she wakes up she can be really scared because she doesn't know how she got here and I don't want her to get stressed because that can hurt the baby. And because I miss sleeping with her..

It was about midnight and I couldn't sleep, but I felt a petite body against mine, it was her. I couldn't help but smile.. she's so gorgeous.

And then I fell asleep.

The morning after.

It was about 6am when I heard someone throwing up, it was her.

I went to the bathroom and I knelt down beside her to help her, she looked so pale.. my poor babygirl. "Oh my god you're here" she said crying, I threw her into my arms

"I will always be here baby" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek

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"I will always be here baby" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You're better princess? Maybe if you have a shower you'll get better?" I said giving her another kiss.
"Can you have a shower with me?" she said with those big brown eyes that I love. "Of course baby" I said, finally giving her a kiss on the lips.
After a few minutes we're both naked.

After a few minutes we're both naked

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Nothing could ever replace what we had

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Nothing could ever replace what we had.

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