[Jiley] - Secrets

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"Hey girl, what are you doing this weekend?" Michelle asked her best friend. "Hm, I don't know..." Riley said very quickly putting her books on her locker.

Of course she was lying but she didn't want to tell her what she was doing because she knew what she was going to say.

"Ri, stop lying I know you are going to be with him" the blonde said. They have been best friends for way too long. She knew her better than anyone.

"Yes, I'm spending the weekend with him and what?" the little girl said with annoyance on her voice.

"Calm down Ri, I just asked because your parents don't like him and I don't want you to get into trouble" Michelle said. "I don't care what my parents think, I'm 18 I can do whatever I want" she said with confidence on her voice.

But her conversation was interrupted by Riley's phone that started ringing and a smile started appearing on her face.

📩James❤: waiting baby xo

"Uhm, I gotta go Mich.. see you on Monday?" she said while running to the exit.

She arrived at the parking lot and immediately saw her boyfriend leaned against the car looking at his phone.

The blonde ran to her boyfriend and jumped to his waist giving him a kiss on the lips, she had missed him so much.

"Missed me, uh?" he said putting a piece of hair behind her ear. "So muuuuuch" she said giving him another sweet kiss.

"Wanna go home and show me how much you've missed me?" he said with a sexy voice that he knew that it would drive her crazy. "Yes, but can we go to Mac donald's first? I'm kinda hungry" she said with her forehead against his.

"You always want to go to Mac donald's then you are always saying that you're fat" he said giggling, he loved messing up with her.

"You're such an idiot, no kisses for a week" she joked. "Touché" he said giving her a kiss on the neck.


After they had gone to Mac donald's they went to James's house and, you don't even know how much they had missed being alone.

James lived alone because when he was a kid his parents died in a car accident and he was sent to an institution and when he turned 18 last year, being one year older than his girlfriend, he moved to a small apartment.

One thing Riley didn't know was how he earned the money but it was better if she didn't know. James had a few secrets but he thought it was better if she didn't know.

Maybe that's why Riley's parents don't like him. They think he is a bad influence for her and he is not going to make her happy just because he grew up alone and he doesn't know what's the real life.

Riley never listened to her parents. All those things were just more reasons to love him even more every day.

James layed down in his bed only wearing his boxers and Riley, who was beside him started blushing like crazy.

"Why are you blushing?" he said while putting himself on top of her.
"I'm not" she said covering her face with her hands.

She was only with his hoodie so he took it off and started kissing all her body. The little girl closed her eyes enjoying his touch.

"Ja-James... oh my god.." she said between moans. He kissed her lips and took off her bra and panties, leaving her fully naked.

"If I hurt you, please tell me" he whispered in her ear. She nodded. Even though this wasn't their first time together, he was always so sweet to her.

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