[Jiley] - Jealous

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It was the end of the year so Mr.T organized a party at the Lost & Found Music Studios.

The boys were doing amazing and the petite blonde couldn't be more proud of her boyfriend. The way he played the drums, the way he smiled... it made her heart beat even faster. He was too perfect for her eyes.

But something was bothering her. There was a girl looking at him since the beginning of the show. She was a lot taller than Riley, she had black hair like James and she was wearing a really, really short black dress.

"Riley, why are you looking at that girl?" Giselle asked a little bit confused. "She is looking at James since the beginning of the show" Riley said not taking her eyes away from that girl.
"Riley please! You know that James has only eyes for you and only you" Michelle said listening to the conversation too. "And don't stress about it, we have a competition tomorrow you need to be 100% focused" Giselle said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

The boys ended their perfomance and James was on his way to Riley when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, my name is Mary and I just wanted to say that you are really good at drumming" she said very happy and politely. "Thanks so much" he said, not really caring about this girl but then, the girl gave him a paper with her number on it. "Call me" she said and then walking away.

"Hey babe" James said giving a kiss on the lips to Riley. "Hey James, what did that girl want?" she said a little bit curious. "Nothing important" he said putting his hands on her waist but the girl wasn't convinced so she pulled away from his boyfriend's hands. "Oh, nothing important so what is that paper?" she said more angry than before. "It's nothing babe, can you calm down? You're just with jealous" he said a little bit annoyed. "Jealous? If a boy came to me and started flirting with me you were going to be totally fine!!!" , "You're being a bitch Riley", with those words the girl couldn't take it anymore. "Oh I'm the bitch now.. well have fun then" she said running away as fast as she could, those words hurt more than ever.

Giselle and Michelle saw everything and ran to the girl but she was already gone. "James what happened?" Michelle said. "Riley just got jealous and I may or not have said some things.." James said putting his hands behind his neck. He knew that he had crushed his girlfriend's world. "What kind of things?" Giselle said very serious and already knowing that something bad had happened.

"That doesn't matter, I need to go and find her", "Please tell her to not forget our competition" Giselle said worried. "Yeah, I'll try to tell her" James said walking out of the Lost & Found Music Studios.

The boy arrived at home and went to his and Riley's room to see if she was there. And she was. She was sleeping with one of his shirts with tears on her eyes. He felt so bad for what he did to her so he felt the need to talk with her.

"Riles, baby I know you can listen me.." he said putting his hands on her cheeks.
The blonde woke up and immediately started to freak out. "Baby please calm down it's just me" James said trying to get closer to her. "Don't touch me, you are not the James I fell in love with 5 years ago" she said. "Ri baby please don't say that I lo-", "Don't you dare say that" she said, walking away to the spare room locking herself there.

the next morning

Riley woke up with dark circles on her eyes and she was very tired because she didn't sleep the night before. She just couldn't after what happened.

She had to get ready for the competition with Michelle & Giselle and she had to go to her room but she didn't want to confront James right now, but she hadn't another opinion because she had her things there.

She opened the door and the room was still dark so that meant that James was still asleep. She went to her and James bathroom and started to get ready.
After twenty minutes she was finally ready so she went to the kitchen and ate the breakfast and went to the competition.

It was 9:15am when James woke up with the ring of some phone ringing. It was Riley's phone. He saw that she wasn't home so he answered the phone. "Hello?" , "Hello, it's Riley's doctor speaking" a female voice said. "Oh it's Riley's boyfriend speaking, she forgot her phone at home" , "Oh, I see! When is she coming back?" , "I don't know, she is at a dance competition so she migh-" , "Sorry, a dance competition?!" she said with a worried voice. "Yes, is there any problem with that?" James said getting very nervous. "Riley came to a consult two days ago and she said that she thought she was pregnant because of some symptoms and she took some exams and the results are positive!"

The tall boy didn't know what to say he just hung up and went as fast as he could to that competition.
When he arrived there he went to the girls dressing room with hope to find Riley there.
After some seconds the petite blonde opened the door. She was alone.

"Riley oh my god, I'm so happy you are okay" the boy said hugging his girlfriend. "Where is Giselle and Michelle?" James said with his girlfriend on his arms, very confused because she didn't pull away. "They are at the competition" Riley said not letting go of him.

After some minutes of silence James finally spoke.
"Babe, I know..." he only said, knowing she would understand.
"I'm so sorry James" she said crying on his shirt. "Babygirl, you don't need to cry.. you know I will always support you, don't you? And besides, we're going to be parents" James said with small tears on his eyes.
"Sorry for yesterday I was jealous.." Riley said.
"I love you babe and you that I wouldn't switch you for anything.. and besides you're cute with jealous.."

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