[Jiley] - London

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It was past midnight and the couple still couldn't believe that they were in each other's arms.

"I can't believe you're here" James said hugging Riley from behind. "Neither do I..." the blonde said leaning her head on James's chest.

The love birds were watching the stars by the balcony of the hotel, well Riley was. Because James couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was truly beautiful.

Suddenly, it started to appear fireworks in the sky and he knew how much Riley loved them.

"Oh my gosh! James! Look how beautiful!" Riley said excitedly. But she didn't hear an answer.. so she turned around and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

James was in one knee in front of her with a ring on his hands. She didn't know what to say or do.

"Be mine?" he simply said.

The girl nodded and jumped to his arms. She started to cry. But for happiness, she was going to marry the love of her life!

"James, I-" but he cut her off by kissing her. "Please don't say nothing, let's enjoy tonight" the tall boy said to her, she nodded. It was going to be an unforgettable night for both of them.


It was 5AM and the blonde was woken up by her phone. She let go of her boyfriend and turned around to check her phone.

It was Alfie.

She started to read the messages,

I know you're in London with your little boyfriend

You're going to be mine don't forget that

See you soon princess

She started to panick and sobbing, this couldn't be happening. A few hours ago she was the happiest girl alive and now she was terrified.

James heard her and woke up. "Hey hey baby, what's up?" he said putting her on his lap.

She couldn't speak so she just hugged him tightly. He was more confused than ever so he saw her phone and started to see what she had there.

He read the messages and his body tensed up. He had just asked to the love of her life to be his and another man was saying she was going to be his.

"Babe? Babe, look at me" he said wipping her tears. "I'm going to resolve this okay?" "James please don't do nothing! He'll hurt you please I can't lose you" she said while crying and sobbing.

"He won't hurt me, I promise" he said with his hands on her sides. She was convinced but nodded.

He picked her phone up and called him. 1 ring..2 rings.. 3rings..

"Hey! You called sooner than I thought" he said with a calm voice that was putting James on his nerves.

"Well, it's not Riley who's talking so.." James said with his strong voice.

"Oh, James! How are you?!" Alfie said with sarcasm on his voice. "Listen, I'm not here to have a nice talk with you okay?! Tell me where you are and we can talk. Man to man." James said as calm as he could be.

"I'm not going to tell where I am but I can be in the parking lot of your hotel in 10 minutes." "Ok, see you in 10" and then they hung up.

"James where are you going? It's almost 6AM!" the blonde said. "I'm getting dressed.. or you want me to go outside naked?" James said with a laugh to try to relax her.

"I'm going with you then" she said with already her clothes on her hand. But James stopped her. "You're not going anywhere" "Yes I am! I accepted that ring yesterday remember? We're together in everything okay? If not then I don't know why we're going to get married" she said with a few tears on her eyes.

"I love you baby" he said giving her a kiss on the lips. "I love you too and that's why we're going to do this together okay?" he just nodded, with her by his side nothing could ever break him.


"Well well well! Look who's here! The happy couple!" Alfie said. "Nice ring by the way Riley!" he said with sarcasm.

Riley wanted to look confident but she couldn't help but grab James's hand.
James noticed and pulled her closer to him.

"Look I'm not here to hear your little jokes okay? I'm here to show that this is not how you want" James said.

Suddenly, Alfie points a gun to James.
"Speak now James! SPEAK!!" Alfie said with anger on his voice.

"Calm down man, put the gun on the ground" James said calmly. But Alfie's eyes were fixed on Riley.

"Tell me Riley, what does he have that I don't?" Alfie said completely uncontrolled.

And that's when he shoots. But Riley puts herself in front of James and the bullet hits her. In the abdomen.

She falls on James's arms completely lifeless with blood all over her belly.

Alfie was no longer here.

"Shit, Riley baby please talk to me" James said to his girlfriend but she didn't answer.

"Hello? I need an ambulance.. yes.. yes.. okay thanks so much!" James looked around an then looked at his soon to be wife and saw blood on her jeans but the bullet was on her abdomen.. was she..?



It was 6pm and he didn't know nothing about her. She was with the doctors for hours now and he was getting nervous, he couldn't lose her he just couldn't.

"Is this James Carter?" A young woman said to him.

"Yes, yes it is" the tall boy said. "Riley is stable, we removed the bullet from her abdomen and now she is recovering. She lost a lot of blood" the doctor said with a small smile.

James couldn't help but start crying from happiness, thank God she was okay. 

"The police also caught the attacker because of the security cameras" she said. "But there is also the negative side.." the doctor said to James.

James's world seemed to have stopped in that moment. "Wh- what happened?" he said with fear on his eyes.

"Your girlfriend was pregnant but the bullet unfortunately killed the baby, I'm so sorry" she said.

He couldn't believe.. that guy almost killed her fiancée and now killed his son. "Can I see her?" he said with tears on his eyes. She nodded. "Follow me."

He entered in the room and saw her. Even in a hospital bed she looked flawless as always.

"James.." she said with a tired voice. "Shh don't speak baby" he said with his hand on hers. "I'm so sorry I lost him" she said crying. "Don't think about that right now baby.. you're okay and that's what really matters.. in the future we can always try again.." he said kissing her forehead.

"I love you" she said.
"I love you too" he said kissing her lips.


Hey guys! I know this sucks but anyways 😂 hope you enjoy! Xo

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