[Trittany] - I'm scared

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Brittany's POV

Me and Trevor were in our apartment getting ready for the wrap party for season 5 and I was so excited.

Me and Trevor have been dating since the end of season 4 and it's been truly amazing, he's everything I could've ever asked for.

"Hey babe, I'm ready can we go?" Trevor said. "Yeah we ca-" but I fell into his arms because I felt dizzy. I've been feeling dizzy for a few days and I know why...but I don't want to tell him because I'm scared of what is going to be his reaction. "Hey baby, you okay?" he said holding me. "Yeah, it was just a simple diziness" I lied.
"okay but if it happens again, you'll tell me okay?" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. I nodded.

We arrived at the bar and everyone was already here. We greet everyone and then we went to order our drinks.
"What do you want baby?" Trevor asked. "Hm, I just want a juice" I said a little bit nervous. "Okay?" he said a little bit confused.

Then I texted Vic and Alex Beaton to meet me at the toilets because I had to tell this to someone.
They arrived and they looked at me a little bit confused.
"Hey B, what's wrong girl?" Alex asked me. I took a long deep breath and said "I'm going to tell you guys this but please, don't tell anyone.. especially to Trevor" they nodded and I continued.. "I've been having morning sickness everyday, I've been feeling dizzy and the worst is that I took a pregnancy test and it's positive" I said with tears on my eyes.
"That's awesome Britt, you and Trevor are going to be parents! How cute is this?!" Vic said with happy tears on her eyes.
"You haven't told him, have you?" Alex said. I looked at her and said," No I haven't and I'm so scared.. it's all my fault" I said crying my heart out.
"Britt it makes two to make a baby! This isn't your fault and I know he's going to be over the moon when you tell him" Alex said giving me a hug.
"Thank you girls" I said wiping away my tears. We hugged one last time and we went back to the party.

Trevor's POV

I haven't seen Britt for awhile now and I'm getting worried.. she's been so strange lately.
"Hey bro, sup?" Lamar said to me.
"Have you see Britt man? I'm worried about her.." I said trying to see her.
"I saw her with Alex B and Vic near the toilets" he said. "Thank you bro" I said walking away.

I finally saw her after like forever!
"Baby where were you? You worried me!" I said putting her close to me.
"Can we go home? I need to tell you something" she said not looking at me. Now I was totally worried.

At home

still trevor's pov

We arrived home and when I looked at her she had tears on her eyes. "hey, hey what's wrong baby? why are you crying?" I said putting her on my arms. "Promise you won't be mad at me?" she said crying on my shoulder.
"I won't baby girl, what happened?" I said. "I-I'm pregnant" she said looking at me.
I can't describe what I felt when I heard that.. I was over the moon, I've always wanted to be a father and being a father of Brittany's child it's even better.
"Omg baby that's amazing! We're gonna be parents!" I said turning her around. She had happy tears on her eyes and I couldn't help but kiss her. We kissed for a few seconds until she put my hand on her stomach.
"Hey baby, it's daddy" I said, giving kisses on her stomach making her giggle.
"Well this girl needs to rest, doesn't she?" I said putting her on my arms and going to our bedroom.
This is a new start of 3.

3 years later.

Brittany's POV

It's been 3 years since I told Trevor that I was pregnant and I couldn't be happier. I gave birth to a beautiful little man.. We named him James because we thought it will be funny. Trevor also asked me to marry him 1 year later after James was born. My life couldn't be better.

I was in my bed thinking when I felt Trevor's body against mine.. this is totally the best feeling in the world. I turned around and I gave him a kiss on the lips. "You're really hot in just your underwear, you know.." he said uncliping my bra. "Well, now you're even hotter without your bra" he said kissing my neck. "You're so stupid sometimes Trevor" I said trying to get away from him but he was a lot stronger than me.
"where's my bra?" I said to him
"it really doesn't matter , you look better without him" he said looking at me. "ah ah so funny" I said lifting me up.
"Babe you're teasing me" he said. I gave him a look 😏 and went to our bathroom to have a shower.
After 10m I was done so I went to James's room and he wasn't there. I started to freak out. "Trevor!! Where's James?" I said going to the living room. "He's here baby don't worry, I changed the diapar and now he's sleeping" I gave one kiss to James and then I sat on the couch. James joined me too.
"You know babe.. we could give a Riley to James.." he said kissing my neck. "I like that idea" I said kissing him.

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