[Trittany] - I will always love you

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Trevor's POV


My life has taken many turns. I've been married with Brittany for five years, but not everything has been perfect. We started to fight everyday and night until we decided to take a break from each other. Even though I love her more than words could ever describe.
Now, we only talk about our son and just when it's very necessary. Yes, we had a baby boy called James. He's 3 years old and he is so like me.

This Sunday I came to my parents' house to visit them with my little man. "So, Trev how are the things going?" my mom said sitting in a chair beside me, giving me a cup of coffee. "You're talking about her, right?" I said, already knowing the subject. "Yes I am Trevor. And you know why? Because you're son came to me and asked me why his parents weren't together anymore" she said very serious. "Mom, I-" , "Trevor, just talk with him and explain everything to him. He's only 3 years old but he already understands a lot of things" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I went to the living room and I saw my son playing with some cars so I decided to go there and talk with him.
"Hey little man, daddy needs to talk with you okay?" I said lifting him up and putting him on my lap. "So, a little bird told that you are confused about mommy and daddy" I said looking at my son, he is a really good mixture of me and Brittany.
"Why yo and mommi aren't togethe anymore?" he said really innocently.
I didn't know what to answer.. "Mommi told me she love yo" he said, maybe not really knowing what he said. "Are you sure bubble? When did she say that?" , "Yeteday" he said playing with his blue car. I put him on the ground playing and then I catched my car keys. "Mom I need to go home, can you stay with him?" , "Of course I can, go and get your girl back" she said with a big smile.

Brittany's POV

I was at home watching TV, Trevor went to his parents' house to visit them. Me and Trevor are still living in the same house because of our son.. we don't want him to feel like his parents aren't there for him anymore. But I know that he feels that something is going on.

My phone was ringing so I went to see who was calling me and it was my mom. "Hey mom, is everything ok?" , "Hey doll. Everything's fine! I just wanted to know how you were?" she said with that maternal voice. "I'm fine.. you know within the possible" I said trying to be as strong as possible.
"Hun, is there something that you want to tell me?" she said, I hate that she knows me way too well. "Hm, mom.. I'm pre-pregnant" , "Oh my gosh hun! That's amazing!" , "It's not mom, me and Trevor are not in the best terms right now, and I feel like it's better if I abort the baby" I said with tears on my eyes.

"You're not gonna do that" someone said behind me, and when I turned around it was the last person I wanted to see right now.
"Hm, mom I talk with you later" I said still looking at him. "Talk with him hun, don't do nothing that you will regret in the future" she said and then she hung up.
"wh-what are you doing here?" I said getting me up from the couch. "I came to talk with you and I'm glad that I did because you're not gonna do that." he said seriously. "I don't understand why though! We never talk, we aren't even a couple anymore! This just happened and although I want this baby as much as you want I can't live with one more thing that reminds me of you." I said with tears on my cheeks. But then, I felt his hands wiping my tears away, I've missed his touch so much. It hurts.

"Please don't do that, this baby is just another proof of our love, please don't do that" he said with small tears on his eyes. "Please can we be us again?" I said desperately wanting to kiss him. He just picked me up bridal style and took me upstairs to our room, putting me slowly in our bed. Then, he put himself on top of me taking off his shirt that I was wearing. He started to kiss my stomach and I giggled. "Hey babyboy or babygirl" he said joking. "I hope that you are a boy so we can make mommy's life a hell" he said and I hit him on the head. "Hey! That hurt" he said. "You're gonna pay" he said kissing my neck giving me shivers. Then he got up and took of his shirt.

 Then he got up and took of his shirt

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And then he came to me and kissed me..

And then he came to me and kissed me

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Couldn't be happier right now. ❤

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