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guess what time it is?
imogen being really bored time yay!
so that means i'm doing another tag thingy

1) what are you wearing? leggings and a big sweatshirt

2) ever been in love? lol no except for my dog

3) ever had a terrible breakup? no i only had one break up and that was when i was like 5 and i told him "my cup wasn't full" i was savage

4) how tall are you? i think im 5'4/5'5 i honestly don't know

5) how much do you weigh? um let's check.....doot doot doot how r u? let's see i weighhh holy shit well i'm fat as fuck let's put it that way(i weigh 144.6 lbs yayyy i'm fat as fuck)

6) any tattoos? no

7) any piercings? no but i used to have my ears pierced than they got infected and i re pierced them and they got ripped out

8) otp? phan but idk seriously i ship to many people. also this also sounds rlly weird ik ik but i don't think i ship phan as much? dont kill me pls but i feel rlly uncomfortable reading them together esPecially smut now. like i still think it's rlly cute but idk. like in fics when they're all cutesy and in hs i like it and it's cute but when it's like OH PHILS DOMINANT AND HE WHIPS DAN AND OOO SEXUAL OO SUGAR DADDIES im not into anymore and again so don't kill me. also i don't judge you at all if you like that stuff believe me i've read weird shit so i don't judge anyone

9) favorite show? rn probably ahs or stranger things but overall probably friends that show is my shit

10) favorite bands? patd, top(ik ik im not creative at all don't judge me), vampire weekend and yeah

11) something you miss? being a tiny kid and i didn't have anxiety and depression and life was easier

12) favorite song? rn it's tops cover of cancer

13) how old are you? 13(hehehe i'm 13 and it's question 13)

14) zodiac sign? sagittarius

15) quality you look for in a partner? listen i'm literally 5 i don't need a partner but mostly good sense of humor, adorable(which everyone is so that's not that hard), and curly hair is rlly cute

16) favorite quote? it's scary what a smile can hide-jill gottenstrater

17) favorite actor? evan peters

18) favorite color? grey

19) loud music or soft? usually loud but then my sister yells at me

20) where do you go when you're sad? to my room and i curl up in a ball with my blanket and hot tea and music and cry

21) how long does it take you to shower? when i'm shaving like 30 min and when i'm not it's like 15

22) how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? i wake up late and attempt to get ready in 10min

23) ever been in a physical fight? no i'm a weak bean but when i was younger i would dream of someone robbing my house so i could kick them in the crotch. is that weird?

24) turn on? cute adorable people which is basically everybody

25) turn off? ignorant people or people that think me being bi is "so cool you'd be great for a threesome guys must love you"(someone actually said that to me)

26) the reason i joined wattpad? i wanted to read fanfic cause i'm a creep but i met so many amazing people like lyricallyeleanor Wild-Awkward-Fangirl musicismyicon NyctophiliaLester i love you guys <33

27) fears? my sister dying, me giving up on life, my friends hating me(which they kinda already do so), speaking in public, the school finding out about my mental illnesses or sexuality

28) last thing that made you cry? today watching evan edingers video about his dad dying

29) last time you said you loved someone? like a couple of minutes ago to lyricallyeleanor (ily)

30) meaning behind you're username? NyctophiliaLester made me this one TYSM ILY

31) last book you read? kids of appetite

32) the book you're currently reading? i have lived a thousand years(its for school but it's p good)

33) last show you watched? ahs

34) last person you talked too? my sister

35) the relationship between you and the last person you texted? MY FAVORITE PERSON EVER(ily lyricallyeleanor )

36) favorite food? sushi it's so goood

37) place you want to visit? japan

38) last place you where? what? what kinda question is this....by bedroom?

39) do you have a crush? celebrity yes

40) last time you kissed someone? neVer

41) last time you where insulted? someone called me white trash a couple days ago

42) favorite flavor of sweet?

43) what instruments do you play? i can play like 2 things on the piano and i used to play drum kit like 4 yrs ago

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43) what instruments do you play? i can play like 2 things on the piano and i used to play drum kit like 4 yrs ago

44) favorite piece of jewelry? i have like 15 bracelets i wear every day so i guess those

45) last sport you played? i played basketball for p.e. but it was basically me standing there while everyone else played basketball


47) favorite chat up line? if you where a pokémon i'd choose you *finger guns*

48) have you ever used it? yess

49) last time you hung out with someone? my friends b day party a week ago i think

50) who should answer these questions next? hehehe lyricallyeleanor Wild-Awkward-Fangirl NyctophiliaLester musicismyicon ILY GUYS

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