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(^i foubd that on tumblr and i'm)

i don't think im emotionally ready for this day.

for school and for pinof

ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY hidden-blessing
(i'm p sure it's ur birthday if not that's eMbarrasing)

i really don't want to go to school

but i'm on a bus full of 20 sweaty middle schoolers


i haven't slept the whole night so everything feels like a dream

like this morning i saw my brother and we where talking (btw we never see each other in the morning) and i was trying to tell him a story (that wasn't funny) but i was just hysterically laughing like i cOuldnt breath. i'm a mess. i might sleep during english or history

i love you guys

(also thanks for being kinda to my face. at like 2am u was like yOU KNOW WHAT IM GONNA SHOW THEM MY FACE
so i took a picture that looks really derpy but oh well. thank ya)


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