imma rant

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rant time rant time ranntt timme!!!
(ily if you read that in the mail time tune from blues clues)

okay let's rant

(also pre warning i don't want to offend anyone and if you're offended by anything i say i'm sorry and please tell me and ill change it cause i hate offending people and making them mad/sad)

you know when you say to someone like "ah i had a really bad day and i feel down" and then someone is like "well i had a worse day....." and then they tell you about their terrible day. it's just like cool man. idk people like to "brag" about how horrible their life is around me a lot and it's just ahh. like i'm not trying to make anyone's problems seem not valid but sometimes i'm like ehhh. like for example let me tell you a story

a couple of years ago my eczema was the worse it has ever been and it was horrible. i was missing a lot of school and i cried so much and it was horrid. i was talking to my friend about it(which i rarely did bc i was embarrassed about it) and they where like " that's nothing. it's so stupid you're missing school. you're so lucky. today my leg got hurt and i can barely walk. i should be missing more school than you." and i was like " okay. i'm sorry about your leg but my eczema is really bad and it hurts" and they didn't believe me

i was like w h a t

or people brag a lot about their allergies to me bc i have a lot and having more than me makes them think or smthing idk. (btw i barely bring up my allergies bc i'm embarrassed of them but in this situation my friend did bc they laugh about them jokingly i think but yeah someone over heard my allergies and that i have a lot and this is what they said) "oh my god that's it? that's barely nothing. i'm allergic too....." and then they ranted. and not to sound hypocritical or anything but tHEY HAD LESS THAN ME also whenever someone tries to "impress" me w their "worse" lives im always like im sorry you have a worse life? i think they want me to pity them but i don't? is that mean. im sorry but usually their problems they share with me aren't that bad? i'm sorry

also when you say your problems to someone and they don't believe you or try to make them sound like nothing i'm like ahhhhh. one time when i got home from the hospital which i was in for a week someone said that i was lying about the hospital to get out of school and half of my grade believed him and i was like ?!? what why would i lie. or when i told my friend i have anxiety and she said "its nothing everyone gets nervous sometimes" and i was like i'm sorry but no it's different

i'm sorry about this rant

i have a lot of pent up emotions that are probably not good andd


(also i have a pretty good life i'm sorry that this whole chapter sounds complainy. also most of these stories are from a couple years ago and i'm fine and stuff like um yeah. i honestly feel really guilty writing this and publishing it. ahhh. i'm sorry. these people also aren't bad people. omg i feel so bad. i should probably delete this. i'm sorry. also sorry if this is all hypocritical and stuff. omg this is a mess. i'm sorry)



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