doodles and oodles

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when i'm at school and i'm bored i draw phan

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when i'm at school and i'm bored i draw phan

i literally only can draw dan and phil from memory rip

i think im gonna draw an actual thing of pastel dan with makeup cause i like it a lot


today just wasn't the gReatest day

so today a huge project was due and i didn't do it because....procrastination and i hate myself

so this morning i had a panic attack walking to school. i couldn't breath and i was crying in front of other people so yay. i was thinking of walking home but the bus came so i just went on.

when i got to school on my locker there was "fag"(i hate that word sm) written on it in bold letters. hahaha fun

then the whole day was just ascvjhttrd

also i forgot my phone so i couldn't text mark and bob to feel better *cries*


so right now i'm just trying to make myself feel better so i'm watching friends and drawing and texting bob and mark(ily guys thank youu ) and it's making me feel better

anyWays i'm sorry i'm just complaining but i'm just a little sad

so yeah

i lovve you guys

thank you guys for being there for me it really means a lot



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