life and some more life

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i have tons of drafts about just my sad brain that i haven't published. i don't really want to bc they're personal. like super personal. like i literally tell you guys everything but these are my thoughts that i'm so scared of that i'm scared to tell anyone. and i haven't told anyone about them. they just seem too weird and i don't think they make sense to other people. also i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. bc they're idk. idk. i'm not gonna get into it.

i feel like i haven't been updating on here as much as i used to or like i should or something.

oh well.

emotions are weird

they're all jumbled

and woshy


my sleep schedule is ffffUCKed up. i go to sleep at like 3-4 and wake up at like 2-3. 10/10 sleep schedule. so productive. idk. i like the niGht better. cause i'm totally #emo ~sarcasm~

um what else

my brother came over for christmas and it was nice. well my other brother came over for christmas too but he came at like the beginning of winter break and and he's staying till the end of winter break. im glad he's here. like ik im not his favorite sibling *cough* but that's a different topic.

it's a strange feeling knowing you're not someone's "favorite". wow that sounds super selfish. like i'm aware i'm not my parents, siblings, friends favorites. like i'm not mad or jealous or anything. it's just weird. idk how to put it in words. but i'm sorry super content being the 2nd or 3rd or 4th choice. i like it. cause idk. friends scare me sometimes? LISTEN THIS IS THE KIND OF JUNK I DIDNT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT SCARES ME TO TALK ABOUT THIS JUNK SO IM GONNA STOP AND CAN WE PRETEND THIS DIDNT HAPPEN

um what else

okay i just watched a ghost thing and my computer is now bugging out and i'm crying tbh

okay now i'm watching jenna&julien podcast cause it's chill.

oo for christmas i got loads of books and
i love
(b-b-book haul)
-holding up the universe
-everything everything
-a monster calls

aHhh yay. i'm reading a monster calls first. i get a lot of my book. recommendations from zoella. i think she has really good taste in books but also i just love her

oh lllife update: so my room has mold in it aGain. like a couple of years ago they found mold in our room so me and my sister had so sleep in the living room for a couple months while it got cleaned. so now they found mold in the heaters and aGhh. so me and my sister have to move out of our room. we are either gonna move upstairs to our office. or hopefully if my brother and his friend move out we get their rooms. tHen i get my own room yay!!

anyways that's just a random thing happening in my life that no one cares about

okay i just got so bored so i scrolled to the bottom of my tumblr page to my fIrst reblog. it took forever. and this is what it was

pretty much describes me as a person i would say

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pretty much describes me as a person i would say. also i'm proud to say that my tumblr is 11/10 better than it was even though it's still s-s-shit.

second reblog 10/10

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second reblog 10/10

okay i think i'm gonna end this chapter. i think i'm gonna go write another chapter about mY fEels but probably never post it.

bye i love you guys !!


(i'm trying a new thing oKay^^^)

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