my drunken haircut

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so like in a previous chapter i'm p sure i talked about my drunk mom giving me a haircut. right? yeah i think so. so i wanted a couple inches off and this is what happened

 so i wanted a couple inches off and this is what happened

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-56883/10 selfie skills

anyways yeah

right now is really floppy and dead and i jUST WANT IT TO HAVE BOLUME WORK WITH ME

also rn i'm attempting to unshrink my sweater. it's working i hope. thank u wikihow

also i'm going to a new years party. i'm proud bc im actually doing something social but also i just want to stay at home and text my strange family and eat ice cream. i promise i'll text u guys at new years pROMISE

okay i'm gonna go unshrink my sweater bye ily


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