tagole lagole

33 7 89

(dodie im in love)

so i'm gonna do a taggy thingy cause why not. hErE wE gOooo

1. What's your middle name? reese

2. What are you listening to right now? glowing eyes- top

3. What was the last thing you ate? sad cookies. they where delicious

4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? this dead guy...long story

5. Do you drink? caprisuns yes

6. Do you smoke? no

7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? honestly idk. i want to say their eyes. wait no. i'm too nervous for eye contact. probably their smile

8. What is your hair color? brown

9. What is your eye color? bbbrown

10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? glasses

11. Dogs or cats? ummm. i love both but probably cats(i love u bentley)

12. What's your favorite animal? elephant seals

13. What's your favorite television show? of all time probably friends

14. What's your favorite movie? this question is too hard

15. What's your favorite band/singer? band-top singer-dodie

16. How old are you? 13

17. Do you have a crush on anyone? yes

18. What's your sexual orientation? bi or pan. idk i'm young i don't need to know these things

19. What's your favorite color? grey

20. What was your most embarrassing moment? everyday of my life hAHAHA i'm so funny. wow imogen. um but seriously probably....idk i can think of so many i can't choose. well there's this one time at my old school(we wore uniform) i wore a pikachu onesie (bc i thought it was spirit week) to school and everyone stared at me and called me pikachu for the rest of the year. it was p funny tho

21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? every day

22. What were you like when you were a kid? annoying and small and a pushover but at the same time really stubborn. kinda like now

23. What would your dream house be like? a tiny little cozy apartment in san francisco in the middle of the city.

24. What last made you laugh? marks voice bc it was so cute and adorable i love it

25. What is your favorite word? eloquent is pretty nice

26. What is your least favorite word? clammy

27. What turns you on? nice, kind, funny people who are really adorable and like hugs and cuddles

28. What turns you off? ignorant people

29. What is your star sign? sagittarius

30. What are your favorite books? uM. kids of appetite, all the bright places, mosquitoland, a little something different, through the woods, the walled city, i forgot the rest but i'll give u more if u want. also if you have and suggestions tell me. and if you want any descriptions check my about page or pm me or kik me.

31. Do you have any siblings? yeah 4

32. Do you like to dance? i mean non-seriously ofc

33. What is your definition of cheating? i mean i don't think i could say bc i've never been in a relationship but this is what i think it is. falling in love or doing anything expressing love to another person

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