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i just remembered a story so this is a story time. woo. warning: i may get super fucking mad

so me and my family where downtown in the city. we where walking a lot and we decided to take the bus. so the bus was super crowded and there wasn't a whole lot of room. so once we got on my dad was the last to get on. my dad is not the tiniest guy but he's not extremely fat. he's trying to get his weight under control. once my dad got on this group of loud teenagers where like "everyone make room for fatty" and i was just in shock. because. why do people say things like that. i don't thing anyone else heard bc they where right next to me. but i decided i'll just ignore it. once we got to our stop we had to squeeze through everyone to get out of the train. and the kid who said it said something like "now that fatty is gone we finally get room." and i was so fucking mad. i was clenching my fists and really wanted to say something to them but 1) the bus was already gone and we where already walking 2) it was me, a weak and small 13 year old, versus them, a probably 17 year old guy with all of his friends. i still was really mad. anyways the rest of the day i thought of him and was wondering if my dad heard. i hope he didn't. i'm still mad but i'm just gonna say this



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